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Reports tagged with waring rank:
TR22-157 | 16th November 2022
Pranjal Dutta, Fulvio Gesmundo, Christian Ikenmeyer, Gorav Jindal, Vladimir Lysikov

Border complexity via elementary symmetric polynomials

Revisions: 1

In (ToCT’20) Kumar surprisingly proved that every polynomial can be approximated as a sum of a constant and a product of linear polynomials. In this work, we prove the converse of Kumar's result which ramifies in a surprising new formulation of Waring rank and border Waring rank. From this conclusion, ... more >>>

TR25-007 | 5th February 2025
Amir Shpilka

Improved Debordering of Waring Rank

We prove that if a degree-$d$ homogeneous polynomial $f$ has border Waring rank $\underline{\mathrm{WR}}({f}) = r$, then its Waring rank is bounded by
{\mathrm{WR}}({f}) \leq d \cdot r^{O(\sqrt{r})}.
This result significantly improves upon the recent bound ${\mathrm{WR}}({f}) \leq d \cdot 4^r$ established in [Dutta, Gesmundo, Ikenmeyer, Jindal, ... more >>>

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint