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TR24-095 | 23rd May 2024
Yanyi Liu, Noam Mazor, Rafael Pass

A Note on Zero-Knowledge for NP and One-Way Functions

Revisions: 1

We present a simple alternative exposition of the the recent result of Hirahara and Nanashima (STOC’24) showing that one-way functions exist if (1) every language in NP has a zero-knowledge proof/argument and (2) ZKA contains non-trivial languages. Our presentation does not rely on meta-complexity and we hope it may be ... more >>>

TR24-094 | 19th May 2024
Tal Herman, Guy Rothblum

Interactive Proofs for General Distribution Properties

Suppose Alice has collected a small number of samples from an unknown distribution, and would like to learn about the distribution. Bob, an untrusted data analyst, claims that he ran a sophisticated data analysis on the distribution, and makes assertions about its properties. Can Alice efficiently verify Bob's claims using ... more >>>

TR24-093 | 16th May 2024
Omar Alrabiah, Jesse Goodman, Jonathan Mosheiff, Joao Ribeiro

Low-Degree Polynomials Are Good Extractors

We prove that random low-degree polynomials (over $\mathbb{F}_2$) are unbiased, in an extremely general sense. That is, we show that random low-degree polynomials are good randomness extractors for a wide class of distributions. Prior to our work, such results were only known for the small families of (1) uniform sources, ... more >>>

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