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Revision #1 to TR20-026 | 20th April 2020 08:17

Spectral Sparsification via Bounded-Independence Sampling


Revision #1
Authors: Dean Doron, Jack Murtagh, Salil Vadhan, David Zuckerman
Accepted on: 20th April 2020 08:17
Downloads: 647


We give a deterministic, nearly logarithmic-space algorithm for mild spectral sparsification of undirected graphs. Given a weighted, undirected graph $G$ on $n$ vertices described by a binary string of length $N$, an integer $k\leq \log n$, and an error parameter $\epsilon > 0$, our algorithm runs in space $\tilde{O}(k\log (N\cdot w_{\mathrm{max}}/w_{\mathrm{min}}))$ where $w_{\mathrm{max}}$ and $w_{\mathrm{min}}$ are the maximum and minimum edge weights in $G$, and produces a weighted graph $H$ with $\tilde{O}(n^{1+2/k}/\epsilon^2)$ edges that spectrally approximates $G$, in the sense of Spielmen and Teng [ST04], up to an error of $\epsilon$.

Our algorithm is based on a new bounded-independence analysis of Spielman and Srivastava's effective resistance based edge sampling algorithm [SS08] and uses results from recent work on space-bounded Laplacian solvers [MRSV17]. In particular, we demonstrate an inherent tradeoff (via upper and lower bounds) between the amount of (bounded) independence used in the edge sampling algorithm, denoted by $k$ above, and the resulting sparsity that can be achieved.

Changes to previous version:

Fixed typos
Fixed bibliography errors
Added slight strengthening to Lemma 3.12


TR20-026 | 25th February 2020 10:15

Spectral Sparsification via Bounded-Independence Sampling

Authors: Dean Doron, Jack Murtagh, Salil Vadhan, David Zuckerman
Publication: 26th February 2020 06:13
Downloads: 922


We give a deterministic, nearly logarithmic-space algorithm for mild spectral sparsification of undirected graphs. Given a weighted, undirected graph $G$ on $n$ vertices described by a binary string of length $N$, an integer $k\leq \log n$ and an error parameter $\varepsilon > 0$, our algorithm runs in space $\tilde{O}(k\log (N\cdot w_{\mathrm{max}}/w_{\mathrm{min}}))$ where $w_{\mathrm{max}}$ and $w_{\mathrm{min}}$ are the maximum and minimum edge weights in $G$, and produces a weighted graph $H$ with $\tilde{O}(n^{1+2/k}/\varepsilon^2)$ expected edges that spectrally approximates $G$, in the sense of Spielmen and Teng [ST04], up to an error of $\varepsilon$.

Our algorithm is based on a new bounded-independence analysis of Spielman and Srivastava's effective resistance based edge sampling algorithm [SS08] and uses results from recent work on space-bounded Laplacian solvers [MRSV17]. In particular, we demonstrate an inherent tradeoff (via upper and lower bounds) between the amount of (bounded) independence used in the edge sampling algorithm, denoted by $k$ above, and the resulting sparsity that can be achieved.

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