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Revision #2 to TR20-064 | 10th June 2022 18:31

Automating Algebraic Proof Systems is NP-Hard


Revision #2
Authors: Mika Göös, Jakob Nordström, Toniann Pitassi, Robert Robere, Dmitry Sokolov, Susanna de Rezende
Accepted on: 10th June 2022 18:31
Downloads: 631


We show that algebraic proofs are hard to find: Given an unsatisfiable CNF formula $F$, it is NP-hard to find a refutation of $F$ in the Nullstellensatz or Polynomial Calculus proof systems in time polynomial in the size of the shortest such refutation. Our work extends, and gives a simplified proof of, the recent breakthrough of Atserias and Muller (JACM 2020) that established an analogous result for Resolution.

Changes to previous version:

We retract the non-automatability result for Sherali-Adams (see footnote on page 1).

Revision #1 to TR20-064 | 10th November 2020 18:46

Automating Algebraic Proof Systems is NP-Hard

Revision #1
Authors: Mika Göös, Jakob Nordström, Toniann Pitassi, Robert Robere, Dmitry Sokolov, Susanna de Rezende
Accepted on: 10th November 2020 18:46
Downloads: 962


We show that algebraic proofs are hard to find: Given an unsatisfiable CNF formula $F$, it is NP-hard to find a refutation of $F$ in the Nullstellensatz, Polynomial Calculus, or Sherali--Adams proof systems in time polynomial in the size of the shortest such refutation. Our work extends, and gives a simplified proof of, the recent breakthrough of Atserias and Muller (JACM 2020) that established an analogous result for Resolution.

Changes to previous version:

Added an alternative proof via size-width tradeoffs.


TR20-064 | 2nd May 2020 02:21

Automating Algebraic Proof Systems is NP-Hard

Authors: Mika Göös, Jakob Nordström, Toniann Pitassi, Robert Robere, Dmitry Sokolov, Susanna de Rezende
Publication: 2nd May 2020 14:41
Downloads: 1703


We show that algebraic proofs are hard to find: Given an unsatisfiable CNF formula $F$, it is NP-hard to find a refutation of $F$ in the Nullstellensatz, Polynomial Calculus, or Sherali--Adams proof systems in time polynomial in the size of the shortest such refutation. Our work extends, and gives a simplified proof of, the recent breakthrough of Atserias and Muller (FOCS 2019) that established an analogous result for Resolution.

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