On June 14-15, the ACM sponsored a workshop on
Strategic Directions in Computing Research (SDCR). The workshop was organized around approximately twenty working groups, covering selected areas of computer science and engineering. Each working group is writing a report on strategic directions for research in its area.
Theory of Computing Working Group focuses on foundations of computer science and fundamental algorithms. The members of the Theory of Computing Working Group are Anne Condon, Faith Fich, Greg Frederickson, Andrew Goldberg, David Johnson, Michael Loui (Chair), Steven Mahaney, Prabhakar Raghavan, John Savage, Alan Selman, and David Shmoys.
Bellow you find a copy of a Web page of this group, maintined by
Michael C. Loui [
The status of the Web page is of August 16, 1996.
For most actual information we recommend to look at the original place of this page:
Strategic Directions in Computing Research Theory of Computing Working Group
E-mail Alias
sdcr-toc@geisel.csl.uiuc.edu reaches all participants
Electronic Statements Contributed to Computing Surveys
Reference Materials
- Theory of Computing: Goals and Directions, by Aho et al., March 1996 (compressed postscript)
- Theory of Computing: A Scientific Perspective, by Goldreich and Wigderson, May 1996
- Contributions of Theoretical Computer Science to Practice, by SIGACT Long Range Planning Committee, January 1996 (compressed postscript)
- Theory of Computing: Achievements, Challenges, and Opportunities, by Loui, July 1991 (compressed postscript)
- Application Challenges to Computational Geometry, by Chazelle et al., April 1996 (compressed postscript)
Other Statements
Workshop home page for the ACM Workshop on Strategic Directions in Computing Research