The question of optimal derandomization, introduced by Doron et. al (JACM 2022), garnered significant recent attention. Works in recent years showed conditional superfast derandomization algorithms, as well as conditional impossibility results, and barriers for obtaining superfast derandomization using certain black-box techniques.
Of particular interest is the extreme high-end, which ... more >>>
Trevisan and Vadhan (FOCS 2000) introduced the notion of (seedless) extractors for samplable distributions. They showed that under a very strong complexity theoretic hardness assumption, there are extractors for samplable distributions with large min-entropy of $k=(1-\gamma) \cdot n$, for some small constant $\gamma>0$. Recent work by Ball, Goldin, Dachman-Soled and ... more >>>
Only a handful candidates for computational assumptions that imply secure key-agreement protocols (KA) are known, and even fewer are believed to be quantum safe. In this paper, we present a new hardness assumption---the worst-case hardness of a promise problem related to an interactive version of Kolmogorov Complexity.
Roughly speaking, the ...
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A ZAP is a witness-indistinguishable two-message public-coin interactive proof with the following simple structure: the verifier sends a uniformly random string, the prover responds, and the verifier decides in polynomial time whether to accept or reject.
We show that one-way functions imply the existence of ...
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Randomness extractors provide a generic way of converting sources of randomness that are
merely unpredictable into almost uniformly random bits. While in general, deterministic randomness
extraction is impossible, it is possible if the source has some structural constraints.
While much of the literature on deterministic extraction has focused on sources ...
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We give an explicit construction of non-malleable codes with rate $1-o(1)$ for the tampering class of poly-size circuits. This rate is optimal, and improves upon the previous explicit construction of Ball, Dachman-Soled and Loss (CRYPTO 2022) which achieves a rate smaller than $\frac{1}{n}$. Our codes are based on the same ... more >>>
We present the first truly explicit constructions of \emph{non-malleable codes} against tampering by bounded polynomial size circuits. These objects imply unproven circuit lower bounds and our construction is secure provided E requires exponential size nondeterministic circuits, an assumption from the derandomization literature.
Prior works on NMC ...
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