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All reports by Author Zhiyang Xun:

TR24-097 | 31st May 2024
Zhiyang Xun, David Zuckerman

Near-Optimal Averaging Samplers

Revisions: 4

We present the first efficient averaging sampler that achieves asymptotically optimal randomness complexity and near-optimal sample complexity for natural parameter choices. Specifically, for any constant $\alpha > 0$, for $\delta > 2^{-\mathrm{poly}(1 / \varepsilon)}$, it uses $m + O(\log (1 / \delta))$ random bits to output $t = O(\log(1 ... more >>>

TR24-017 | 23rd January 2024
Siddhartha Jain, Jiawei Li, Robert Robere, Zhiyang Xun

On Pigeonhole Principles and Ramsey in TFNP

Revisions: 1

The generalized pigeonhole principle says that if tN + 1 pigeons are put into N holes then there must be a hole containing at least t + 1 pigeons. Let t-PPP denote the class of all total NP-search problems reducible to finding such a t-collision of pigeons. We introduce a ... more >>>

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