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Revision #1 to TR24-017 | 9th August 2024 01:56

On Pigeonhole Principles and Ramsey in TFNP


Revision #1
Authors: Siddhartha Jain, Jiawei Li, Robert Robere, Zhiyang Xun
Accepted on: 9th August 2024 01:56
Downloads: 169


We show that the TFNP problem RAMSEY is not black-box reducible to PIGEON, refuting a conjecture of Goldberg and Papadimitriou in the black-box setting. We prove this by giving reductions to RAMSEY from a new family of TFNP problems that correspond to generalized versions of the pigeonhole principle, and then proving that these generalized versions cannot be reduced to PIGEON. Formally, we define t-PPP as the class of total NP-search problems reducible to finding a t-collision in a mapping from (t-1)N+1 pigeons to N holes. These classes are closely related to multi-collision resistant hash functions in cryptography. We show that the generalized pigeonhole classes form a hierarchy as t increases, and also give a natural condition on the parameters $t_1, t_2$ that captures exactly when $t_1$-PPP and $t_2$-PPP collapse in the black-box setting. Finally, we prove other inclusion and separation results between these generalized PIGEON problems and other previously studied TFNP subclasses, such as PLS, PPA and PLC. Our separation results rely on new lower bounds in propositional proof complexity based on pseudoexpectation operators, which may be of independent interest.

Changes to previous version:

Improved presentation.


TR24-017 | 23rd January 2024 11:00

On Pigeonhole Principles and Ramsey in TFNP


The generalized pigeonhole principle says that if tN + 1 pigeons are put into N holes then there must be a hole containing at least t + 1 pigeons. Let t-PPP denote the class of all total NP-search problems reducible to finding such a t-collision of pigeons. We introduce a new hierarchy of classes defined by the problems t-PPP. In addition to being natural problems in TFNP, we show that classes in and above the hierarchy are related to the notion of multi-collision resistance in cryptography, and contain the problem underlying the breakthrough average-case quantum advantage result shown by Yamakawa & Zhandry (FOCS 2022).
Finally, we give lower bound techniques for the black-box versions of t-PPP for any t. In particular, we prove that RAMSEY is not in t-PPP, for any t that is sub-polynomial in log(N), in the black-box setting. Goldberg and Papadimitriou conjectured that RAMSEY reduces to 2-PPP, we thus refute it and more in the black-box setting. We also provide an ensemble of black-box separations which resolve the relative complexity of the t-PPP classes with other well-known TFNP classes.

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint