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All reports by Author Eshan Chattopadhyay:

TR24-171 | 6th November 2024
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Mohit Gurumukhani, Noam Ringach

Condensing against Online Adversaries

We investigate the task of deterministically condensing randomness from Online Non-Oblivious Symbol Fixing (oNOSF) sources, a natural model of defective random sources for which it is known that extraction is impossible [AORSV, EUROCRYPT'20]. A $(g,\ell)$-oNOSF source is a sequence of $\ell$ blocks $\mathbf{X} = (\mathbf{X}_1, \dots, \mathbf{X}_{\ell})\sim (\{0, 1\}^{n})^{\ell}$, where ... more >>>

TR24-133 | 7th September 2024
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Mohit Gurumukhani, Noam Ringach, Yunya Zhao

Two-Sided Lossless Expanders in the Unbalanced Setting

Revisions: 2

We present the first explicit construction of two-sided lossless expanders in the unbalanced setting (bipartite graphs that have many more nodes on the left than on the right). Prior to our work, all known explicit constructions in the unbalanced setting achieved only one-sided lossless expansion.

Specifically, we show ... more >>>

TR23-210 | 22nd December 2023
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Mohit Gurumukhani, Noam Ringach

On the Existence of Seedless Condensers: Exploring the Terrain

Revisions: 2

While the existence of randomness extractors, both seeded and seedless, has been thoroughly studied for many sources of randomness, currently, very little is known regarding the existence of seedless condensers in many settings. Here, we prove several new results for seedless condensers in the context of three related classes of ... more >>>

TR23-140 | 20th September 2023
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jesse Goodman, Mohit Gurumukhani

Extractors for Polynomial Sources over $\mathbb{F}_2$

Revisions: 1

We explicitly construct the first nontrivial extractors for degree $d \ge 2$ polynomial sources over $\mathbb{F}_2^n$. Our extractor requires min-entropy $k\geq n - \frac{\sqrt{\log n}}{(d\log \log n)^{d/2}}$. Previously, no constructions were known, even for min-entropy $k\geq n-1$. A key ingredient in our construction is an input reduction lemma, which allows ... more >>>

TR23-130 | 8th September 2023
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jyun-Jie Liao

Recursive Error Reduction for Regular Branching Programs

Revisions: 1

In a recent work, Chen, Hoza, Lyu, Tal and Wu (FOCS 2023) showed an improved error reduction framework for the derandomization of regular read-once branching programs (ROBPs). Their result is based on a clever modification to the inverse Laplacian perspective of space-bounded derandomization, which was originally introduced by Ahmadinejad, Kelner, ... more >>>

TR22-153 | 8th November 2022
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jyun-Jie Liao

Hardness against Linear Branching Programs and More

In a recent work, Gryaznov, Pudlák and Talebanfard (CCC '22) introduced a linear variant of read-once
branching programs, with motivations from circuit and proof complexity. Such a read-once linear branching program is
a branching program where each node is allowed to make $\mathbb{F}_2$-linear queries, and are read-once in the ... more >>>

TR22-082 | 27th May 2022
Omar Alrabiah, Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jesse Goodman, Xin Li, João Ribeiro

Low-Degree Polynomials Extract from Local Sources

We continue a line of work on extracting random bits from weak sources that are generated by simple processes. We focus on the model of locally samplable sources, where each bit in the source depends on a small number of (hidden) uniformly random input bits. Also known as local sources, ... more >>>

TR21-147 | 22nd October 2021
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jyun-Jie Liao

Extractors for Sum of Two Sources

Revisions: 1

We consider the problem of extracting randomness from \textit{sumset sources}, a general class of weak sources introduced by Chattopadhyay and Li (STOC, 2016). An $(n,k,C)$-sumset source $\mathbf{X}$ is a distribution on $\{0,1\}^n$ of the form $\mathbf{X}_1 + \mathbf{X}_2 + \ldots + \mathbf{X}_C$, where $\mathbf{X}_i$'s are independent sources on $n$ bits ... more >>>

TR21-106 | 22nd July 2021
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jesse Goodman, David Zuckerman

The Space Complexity of Sampling

Revisions: 1

Recently, there has been exciting progress in understanding the complexity of distributions. Here, the goal is to quantify the resources required to generate (or sample) a distribution. Proving lower bounds in this new setting is more challenging than in the classical setting, and has yielded interesting new techniques and surprising ... more >>>

TR21-075 | 4th June 2021
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jesse Goodman, Jyun-Jie Liao

Affine Extractors for Almost Logarithmic Entropy

We give an explicit construction of an affine extractor (over $\mathbb{F}_2$) that works for affine sources on $n$ bits with min-entropy $k \ge~ \log n \cdot (\log \log n)^{1 + o(1)}$. This improves prior work of Li (FOCS'16) that requires min-entropy at least $\mathrm{poly}(\log n)$.

Our construction is ... more >>>

TR20-121 | 3rd August 2020
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jason Gaitonde, Abhishek Shetty

Fractional Pseudorandom Generators from the $k$th Fourier Level

Revisions: 2

In recent work by Chattopadhyay et al.[CHHL19,CHLT19], the authors exhibit a simple and flexible construction of pseudorandom generators for classes of Boolean functions that satisfy $L_1$ Fourier bounds. [CHHL19] show that if a class satisfies such tail bounds at all levels, this implies a PRG whose seed length depends on ... more >>>

TR20-106 | 15th July 2020
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jesse Goodman

Explicit Extremal Designs and Applications to Extractors

Revisions: 5

An $(n,r,s)$-design, or $(n,r,s)$-partial Steiner system, is an $r$-uniform hypergraph over $n$ vertices with pairwise hyperedge intersections of size $0$, we extract from $(N,K,n,k)$-adversarial sources of locality $0$, where $K\geq N^\delta$ and $k\geq\text{polylog }n$. The previous best result (Chattopadhyay et al., STOC 2020) required $K\geq N^{1/2+o(1)}$. As a result, we ... more >>>

TR20-069 | 4th May 2020
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jyun-Jie Liao

Optimal Error Pseudodistributions for Read-Once Branching Programs

Revisions: 1

In a seminal work, Nisan (Combinatorica'92) constructed a pseudorandom generator for length $n$ and width $w$ read-once branching programs with seed length $O(\log n\cdot \log(nw)+\log n\cdot\log(1/\varepsilon))$ and error $\varepsilon$. It remains a central question to reduce the seed length to $O(\log (nw/\varepsilon))$, which would prove that $\mathbf{BPL}=\mathbf{L}$. However, there has ... more >>>

TR20-060 | 23rd April 2020
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jesse Goodman, Vipul Goyal, Xin Li

Leakage-Resilient Extractors and Secret-Sharing against Bounded Collusion Protocols

In a recent work, Kumar, Meka, and Sahai (FOCS 2019) introduced the notion of bounded collusion protocols (BCPs), in which $N$ parties wish to compute some joint function $f:(\{0,1\}^n)^N\to\{0,1\}$ using a public blackboard, but such that only $p$ parties may collude at a time. This generalizes well studied models in ... more >>>

TR20-023 | 10th February 2020
Marshall Ball, Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jyun-Jie Liao, Tal Malkin, Li-Yang Tan

Non-Malleability against Polynomial Tampering

Revisions: 1

We present the first explicit construction of a non-malleable code that can handle tampering functions that are bounded-degree polynomials.

Prior to our work, this was only known for degree-1 polynomials (affine tampering functions), due to Chattopadhyay and Li (STOC 2017). As a direct corollary, we obtain an explicit non-malleable ... more >>>

TR19-184 | 13th December 2019
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Jesse Goodman, Vipul Goyal, Xin Li

Extractors for Adversarial Sources via Extremal Hypergraphs

Randomness extraction is a fundamental problem that has been studied for over three decades. A well-studied setting assumes that one has access to multiple independent weak random sources, each with some entropy. However, this assumption is often unrealistic in practice. In real life, natural sources of randomness can produce samples ... more >>>

TR19-145 | 31st October 2019
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Pooya Hatami, Kaave Hosseini, Shachar Lovett, David Zuckerman

XOR Lemmas for Resilient Functions Against Polynomials

A major challenge in complexity theory is to explicitly construct functions that have small correlation with low-degree polynomials over $F_2$. We introduce a new technique to prove such correlation bounds with $F_2$ polynomials. Using this technique, we bound the correlation of an XOR of Majorities with constant degree polynomials. In ... more >>>

TR18-100 | 18th May 2018
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Anindya De, Rocco Servedio

Simple and efficient pseudorandom generators from Gaussian processes

Revisions: 1

We show that a very simple pseudorandom generator fools intersections of $k$ linear threshold functions (LTFs) and arbitrary functions of $k$ LTFs over $n$-dimensional Gaussian space.

The two analyses of our PRG (for intersections versus arbitrary functions of LTFs) are quite different from each other and from previous analyses of ... more >>>

TR18-070 | 13th April 2018
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Xin Li

Non-Malleable Extractors and Codes in the Interleaved Split-State Model and More

Revisions: 3

We present explicit constructions of non-malleable codes with respect to the following tampering classes. (i) Linear functions composed with split-state adversaries: In this model, the codeword is first tampered by a split-state adversary, and then the whole tampered codeword is further tampered by a linear function. (ii) Interleaved split-state adversary: ... more >>>

TR18-015 | 25th January 2018
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Pooya Hatami, Kaave Hosseini, Shachar Lovett

Pseudorandom Generators from Polarizing Random Walks

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 1

We propose a new framework for constructing pseudorandom generators for $n$-variate Boolean functions. It is based on two new notions. First, we introduce fractional pseudorandom generators, which are pseudorandom distributions taking values in $[-1,1]^n$. Next, we use a fractional pseudorandom generator as steps of a random walk in $[-1,1]^n$ that ... more >>>

TR17-171 | 6th November 2017
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Pooya Hatami, Omer Reingold, Avishay Tal

Improved Pseudorandomness for Unordered Branching Programs through Local Monotonicity

Revisions: 1

We present an explicit pseudorandom generator with seed length $\tilde{O}((\log n)^{w+1})$ for read-once, oblivious, width $w$ branching programs that can read their input bits in any order. This improves upon the work of Impaggliazzo, Meka and Zuckerman (FOCS'12) where they required seed length $n^{1/2+o(1)}$.

A central ingredient in our work ... more >>>

TR17-027 | 16th February 2017
Avraham Ben-Aroya, Eshan Chattopadhyay, Dean Doron, Xin Li, Amnon Ta-Shma

A reduction from efficient non-malleable extractors to low-error two-source extractors with arbitrary constant rate

Revisions: 1

We show a reduction from the existence of explicit t-non-malleable
extractors with a small seed length, to the construction of explicit
two-source extractors with small error for sources with arbitrarily
small constant rate. Previously, such a reduction was known either
when one source had entropy rate above half [Raz05] or ... more >>>

TR16-180 | 15th November 2016
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Xin Li

Non-Malleable Codes and Extractors for Small-Depth Circuits, and Affine Functions

Non-malleable codes were introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs as an elegant relaxation of error correcting codes, where the motivation is to handle more general forms of tampering while still providing meaningful guarantees. This has led to many elegant constructions and applications in cryptography. However, most works so far only ... more >>>

TR16-036 | 13th March 2016
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Xin Li

Explicit Non-Malleable Extractors, Multi-Source Extractors and Almost Optimal Privacy Amplification Protocols

Revisions: 3

We make progress in the following three problems: 1. Constructing optimal seeded non-malleable extractors; 2. Constructing optimal privacy amplification protocols with an active adversary, for any possible security parameter; 3. Constructing extractors for independent weak random sources, when the min-entropy is extremely small (i.e., near logarithmic).

For the first ... more >>>

TR15-178 | 10th November 2015
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Xin Li

Extractors for Sumset Sources

We propose a new model of weak random sources which we call sumset sources. A sumset source $\mathbf{X}$ is the sum of $C$ independent sources $\mathbf{X}_1,\ldots,\mathbf{X}_C$, where each $\mathbf{X}_i$ is an $n$-bit source with min-entropy $k$. We show that extractors for this class of sources can be used to give ... more >>>

TR15-151 | 14th September 2015
Eshan Chattopadhyay, David Zuckerman

New Extractors for Interleaved Sources

Revisions: 1

We study how to extract randomness from a $C$-interleaved source, that is, a source comprised of $C$ independent sources whose bits or symbols are interleaved. We describe a simple approach for constructing such extractors that yields:

(1) For some $\delta>0, c > 0$,
explicit extractors for $2$-interleaved sources on $\{ ... more >>>

TR15-119 | 23rd July 2015
Eshan Chattopadhyay, David Zuckerman

Explicit Two-Source Extractors and Resilient Functions

Revisions: 5

We explicitly construct an extractor for two independent sources on $n$ bits, each with min-entropy at least $\log^C n$ for a large enough constant $C$. Our extractor outputs one bit and has error $n^{-\Omega(1)}$. The best previous extractor, by Bourgain [B2], required each source to have min-entropy $.499n$.

A key ... more >>>

TR15-075 | 29th April 2015
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Vipul Goyal, Xin Li

Non-Malleable Extractors and Codes, with their Many Tampered Extensions

Revisions: 1

Randomness extractors and error correcting codes are fundamental objects in computer science. Recently, there have been several natural generalizations of these objects, in the context and study of tamper resilient cryptography. These are \emph{seeded non-malleable extractors}, introduced by Dodis and Wichs \cite{DW09}; \emph{seedless non-malleable extractors}, introduced by Cheraghchi and Guruswami ... more >>>

TR14-102 | 4th August 2014
Eshan Chattopadhyay, David Zuckerman

Non-Malleable Codes Against Constant Split-State Tampering

Non-malleable codes were introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs \cite{DPW10} as an elegant generalization of the classical notions of error detection, where the corruption of a codeword is viewed as a tampering function acting on it. Informally, a non-malleable code with respect to a family of tampering functions $\mathcal{F}$ consists ... more >>>

TR12-127 | 3rd October 2012
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Adam Klivans, Pravesh Kothari

An Explicit VC-Theorem for Low-Degree Polynomials

Let $X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{n}$ and let ${\mathcal C}$ be a class of functions mapping $\mathbb{R}^{n} \rightarrow \{-1,1\}.$ The famous VC-Theorem states that a random subset $S$ of $X$ of size $O(\frac{d}{\epsilon^{2}} \log \frac{d}{\epsilon})$, where $d$ is the VC-Dimension of ${\mathcal C}$, is (with constant probability) an $\epsilon$-approximation for ${\mathcal C}$ ... more >>>

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