Pseudodeterministic algorithms are probabilistic algorithms that solve search problems but do so by always providing the same (``canonical'') solution to a given instance, except with small probability.
While the complexity theoretic implications of pseudodeterministic algorithms were explored in the past, we suggest to conduct this exploration within the framework ...
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The question of optimal derandomization, introduced by Doron et. al (JACM 2022), garnered significant recent attention. Works in recent years showed conditional superfast derandomization algorithms, as well as conditional impossibility results, and barriers for obtaining superfast derandomization using certain black-box techniques.
Of particular interest is the extreme high-end, which ... more >>>
This note revisits the study of search problems that are solvable in probabilistic polynomial time. Previously, Goldreich (2011) introduced a class called ``$\mathcal{BPP}$-search'', and studied search-to-decision reductions for problems in this class.
In Goldreich's original formulation, the definition of what counts as ``successfully solving'' a $\mathcal{BPP}$-search problem is implicit, and ... more >>>
This paper revisits the study of two classical technical tools in theoretical computer science: Yao's transformation of distinguishers to next-bit predictors (FOCS 1982), and the ``reconstruction paradigm'' in pseudorandomness (e.g., as in Nisan and Wigderson, JCSS 1994). Recent works of Pyne, Raz, and Zhan (FOCS 2023) and Doron, Pyne, and ... more >>>
A classical challenge in complexity theory and cryptography is to simulate interactive proof systems by non-interactive proof systems. In this work we leverage approaches from recent works in derandomization to address this challenge, focusing on non-interactive simulations that are sound against uniform adversarial algorithms.
Our results concern fundamental questions in ... more >>>
We provide compelling evidence for the potential of hardness-vs.-randomness approaches to make progress on the long-standing problem of derandomizing space-bounded computation.
Our first contribution is a derandomization of bounded-space machines from hardness assumptions for classes of uniform deterministic algorithms, for which strong (but non-matching) lower bounds can be unconditionally proved. ... more >>>
We establish an equivalence between two algorithmic tasks: *derandomization*, the deterministic simulation of probabilistic algorithms; and *refutation*, the deterministic construction of inputs on which a given probabilistic algorithm fails to compute a certain hard function.
We prove that refuting low-space probabilistic streaming algorithms that try to compute functions $f\in\mathcal{FP}$ ... more >>>
What's new in the world of derandomization? Questions about pseudorandomness and derandomization have been driving progress in complexity theory for many decades. In this survey we will describe new approaches to the $\mathcal{BPP}=\mathcal{P}$ conjecture from recent years, as well as new questions, algorithmic approaches, and ways of thinking. For example: ... more >>>
Existing proofs that deduce BPL=L from circuit lower bounds convert randomized algorithms into deterministic algorithms with large constant overhead in space. We study space-bounded derandomization with minimal footprint, and ask what is the minimal possible space overhead for derandomization.
We show that $BPSPACE[S] \subseteq DSPACE[c \cdot S]$ for $c \approx ...
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The leading technical approach in uniform hardness-to-randomness in the last two decades faced several well-known barriers that caused results to rely on overly strong hardness assumptions, and yet still yield suboptimal conclusions.
In this work we show uniform hardness-to-randomness results that *simultaneously break through all of the known barriers*. Specifically, ... more >>>
For $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and $d = o(\log \log n)$, we prove that there is a Boolean function $F$ on $n$ bits and a value $\gamma = 2^{-\Theta(d)}$ such that $F$ can be computed by a uniform depth-$(d + 1)$ $\text{AC}^0$ circuit with $O(n)$ wires, but $F$ cannot be computed ... more >>>
What is the actual cost of derandomization? And can we get it for free? These questions were recently raised by Doron et. al (FOCS 2020) and have been attracting considerable interest. In this work we extend the study of these questions to the setting of *derandomizing interactive proofs systems*.
... more >>>The focus of this survey is the question of *quantified derandomization*, which was introduced by Goldreich and Wigderson (2014): Does derandomization of probabilistic algorithms become easier if we only want to derandomize algorithms that err with extremely small probability? How small does this probability need to be in order for ... more >>>
We propose a new approach to the hardness-to-randomness framework and to the promise-BPP=promise-P conjecture. Classical results rely on non-uniform hardness assumptions to construct derandomization algorithms that work in the worst-case, or rely on uniform hardness assumptions to construct derandomization algorithms that work only in the average-case. In both types of ... more >>>
We present new constructions of pseudorandom generators (PRGs) for two of the most widely-studied non-uniform circuit classes in complexity theory. Our main result is a construction of the first non-trivial PRG for linear threshold (LTF) circuits of arbitrary constant depth and super-linear size. This PRG fools circuits with depth $d\in\mathbb{N}$ ... more >>>
Extending the classical ``hardness-to-randomness'' line-of-works, Doron et al. (FOCS 2020) recently proved that derandomization with near-quadratic time overhead is possible, under the assumption that there exists a function in $\mathcal{DTIME}[2^n]$ that cannot be computed by randomized SVN circuits of size $2^{(1-\epsilon)\cdot n}$ for a small $\epsilon$.
In this work we ... more >>>
The Exponential-Time Hypothesis ($ETH$) is a strengthening of the $\mathcal{P} \neq \mathcal{NP}$ conjecture, stating that $3\text{-}SAT$ on $n$ variables cannot be solved in time $2^{\epsilon\cdot n}$, for some $\epsilon>0$. In recent years, analogous hypotheses that are ``exponentially-strong'' forms of other classical complexity conjectures (such as $\mathcal{NP}\not\subseteq\mathcal{BPP}$ or $co\text{-}\mathcal{NP}\not\subseteq \mathcal{NP}$) have ... more >>>
We study the following question: Is it easier to construct a hitting-set generator for polynomials $p:\mathbb{F}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{F}$ of degree $d$ if we are guaranteed that the polynomial vanishes on at most an $\epsilon>0$ fraction of its inputs? We will specifically be interested in tiny values of $\epsilon\ll d/|\mathbb{F}|$. This question was ... more >>>
The best-known lower bounds for the circuit class $\mathcal{TC}^0$ are only slightly super-linear. Similarly, the best-known algorithm for derandomization of this class is an algorithm for quantified derandomization (i.e., a weak type of derandomization) of circuits of slightly super-linear size. In this paper we show that even very mild quantitative ... more >>>
We introduce new forms of attack on expander-based cryptography, and in particular on Goldreich's pseudorandom generator and one-way function. Our attacks exploit low circuit complexity of the underlying expander's neighbor function and/or of the local predicate. Our two key conceptual contributions are:
* The security of Goldreich's PRG and OWF ... more >>>
We show that any proof that $promise\textrm{-}\mathcal{BPP}=promise\textrm{-}\mathcal{P}$ necessitates proving circuit lower bounds that almost yield that $\mathcal{P}\ne\mathcal{NP}$. More accurately, we show that if $promise\textrm{-}\mathcal{BPP}=promise\textrm{-}\mathcal{P}$, then for essentially any super-constant function $f(n)=\omega(1)$ it holds that $NTIME[n^{f(n)}]\not\subseteq\mathcal{P}/\mathrm{poly}$. The conclusion of the foregoing conditional statement cannot be improved (to conclude that $\mathcal{NP}\not\subseteq\mathcal{P}/\mathrm{poly}$) without ... more >>>
The quantified derandomization problem of a circuit class $\mathcal{C}$ with a function $B:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}$ is the following: Given an input circuit $C\in\mathcal{C}$ over $n$ bits, deterministically distinguish between the case that $C$ accepts all but $B(n)$ of its inputs and the case that $C$ rejects all but $B(n)$ of its inputs. ... more >>>
One of the prominent current challenges in complexity theory is the attempt to prove lower bounds for $TC^0$, the class of constant-depth, polynomial-size circuits with majority gates. Relying on the results of Williams (2013), an appealing approach to prove such lower bounds is to construct a non-trivial derandomization algorithm for ... more >>>
Goldreich and Wigderson (STOC 2014) initiated a study of quantified derandomization, which is a relaxed derandomization problem: For a circuit class $\mathcal{C}$ and a parameter $B=B(n)$, the problem is to decide whether a circuit $C\in\mathcal{C}$ rejects all of its inputs, or accepts all but $B(n)$ of its inputs.
In ... more >>>
We consider the following problem. A deterministic algorithm tries to find a string in an unknown set $S\subseteq\{0,1\}^n$ that is guaranteed to have large density (e.g., $|S|\ge2^{n-1}$). However, the only information that the algorithm can obtain about $S$ is estimates of the density of $S$ in adaptively chosen subsets of ... more >>>
A tolerant tester with one-sided error for a property is a tester that accepts every input that is close to the property, with probability 1, and rejects every input that is far from the property, with positive probability. In this note we show that such testers require a linear number ... more >>>
For a set $\Pi$ in a metric space and $\delta>0$, denote by $\mathcal{F}_\delta(\Pi)$ the set of elements that are $\delta$-far from $\Pi$. In property testing, a $\delta$-tester for $\Pi$ is required to accept inputs from $\Pi$ and reject inputs from $\mathcal{F}_\delta(\Pi)$. A natural dual problem is the problem of $\delta$-testing ... more >>>
A few years ago, Blais, Brody, and Matulef (2012) presented a methodology for proving lower bounds for property testing problems by reducing them from problems in communication complexity. Recently, Bhrushundi, Chakraborty, and Kulkarni (2014) showed that some reductions of this type can be deconstructed to two separate reductions, from communication ... more >>>
We provide an alternative proof for a known result stating that $\Omega(k)$ queries are needed to test $k$-sparse linear Boolean functions. Similar to the approach of Blais and Kane (2012), we reduce the proof to the analysis of Hamming weights of vectors in affi ne subspaces of the Boolean hypercube. ... more >>>