In an influential paper, Linial and Shraibman (STOC '07) introduced the factorization norm as a powerful tool for proving lower bounds against randomized and quantum communication complexities. They showed that the logarithm of the approximate \gamma_2-factorization norm is a lower bound for these parameters and asked whether a stronger ... more >>>
We introduce a new topological argument based on the Borsuk-Ulam theorem to prove a lower bound on sign-rank.
This result implies the strongest possible separation between randomized and unbounded-error communication complexity. More precisely, we show that for a particular range of parameters, the randomized communication complexity of ... more >>>
Sign-rank and discrepancy are two central notions in communication complexity. The seminal work of Babai, Frankl, and Simon from 1986 initiated an active line of research that investigates the gap between these two notions.
In this article, we establish the strongest possible separation by constructing a Boolean matrix whose sign-rank ...
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We study the relation between streaming algorithms and linear sketching algorithms, in the context of binary updates. We show that for inputs in n dimensions,
the existence of efficient streaming algorithms which can process \Omega(n^2) updates implies efficient linear sketching algorithms with comparable cost.
This improves upon the previous work ...
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The Bogolyubov-Ruzsa lemma, in particular the quantitative bounds obtained by Sanders, plays a central role
in obtaining effective bounds for the inverse U^3 theorem for the Gowers norms. Recently, Gowers and Mili\'cevi\'c
applied a bilinear Bogolyubov-Ruzsa lemma as part of a proof of the inverse U^4 theorem
with effective bounds.
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We propose an algebraic approach to proving circuit lower bounds for ACC0 by defining and studying the notion of torus polynomials. We show how currently known polynomial-based approximation results for AC0 and ACC0 can be reformulated in this framework, implying that ACC0 can be approximated by low-degree torus polynomials. Furthermore, ... more >>>
We propose a new framework for constructing pseudorandom generators for n-variate Boolean functions. It is based on two new notions. First, we introduce fractional pseudorandom generators, which are pseudorandom distributions taking values in [-1,1]^n. Next, we use a fractional pseudorandom generator as steps of a random walk in [-1,1]^n that ... more >>>
Let f:\{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\} be a boolean function. Its associated XOR function is the two-party function f_\oplus(x,y) = f(x \oplus y).
We show that, up to polynomial factors, the deterministic communication complexity of f_{\oplus} is equal to the parity decision tree complexity of f.
This relies on a novel technique ...
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The study of seeded randomness extractors is a major line of research in theoretical computer science. The goal is to construct deterministic algorithms which can take a ``weak" random source X with min-entropy k and a uniformly random seed Y of length d, and outputs a string of length close ... more >>>