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Reports tagged with Random Walks:
TR98-049 | 10th July 1998
Dimitris Fotakis, Paul Spirakis

Random Walks, Conditional Hitting Sets and Partial Derandomization

In this work we use random walks on expanders in order to
relax the properties of hitting sets required for partially
derandomizing one-side error algorithms. Building on a well-known
probability amplification technique [AKS87,CW89,IZ89], we use
random walks on expander graphs of subexponential (in the
random bit complexity) size so as ... more >>>

TR04-061 | 30th June 2004
Scott Aaronson

The Complexity of Agreement

A celebrated 1976 theorem of Aumann asserts that honest, rational
Bayesian agents with common priors will never "agree to disagree": if
their opinions about any topic are common knowledge, then those
opinions must be equal. Economists have written numerous papers
examining the assumptions behind this theorem. But two key questions
more >>>

TR05-034 | 5th April 2005
Luca Trevisan

Approximation Algorithms for Unique Games

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 1

Khot formulated in 2002 the "Unique Games Conjectures" stating that, for any epsilon > 0, given a system of constraints of a certain form, and the promise that there is an assignment that satisfies a 1-epsilon fraction of constraints, it is intractable to find a solution that satisfies even an ... more >>>

TR05-092 | 23rd August 2005
Eyal Rozenman, Salil Vadhan

Derandomized Squaring of Graphs

We introduce a "derandomized" analogue of graph squaring. This
operation increases the connectivity of the graph (as measured by the
second eigenvalue) almost as well as squaring the graph does, yet only
increases the degree of the graph by a constant factor, instead of
squaring the degree.

One application of ... more >>>

TR06-058 | 25th April 2006
Alexander Healy

Randomness-Efficient Sampling within NC^1

Revisions: 1

We construct a randomness-efficient averaging sampler that is computable by uniform constant-depth circuits with parity gates (i.e., in AC^0[mod 2]). Our sampler matches the parameters achieved by random walks on constant-degree expander graphs, allowing us to apply a variety expander-based techniques within NC^1. For example, we obtain the following results:

... more >>>

TR06-143 | 15th November 2006
Frank Neumann, Carsten Witt

Ant Colony Optimization and the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a kind of randomized search heuristic that has become very popular for solving problems from combinatorial optimization. Solutions for a given problem are constructed by a random walk on a so-called construction graph. This random walk can be influenced by heuristic information about the problem. ... more >>>

TR07-076 | 25th July 2007
Satyen Kale, C. Seshadhri

Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree Graphs

Revisions: 1

We consider the problem of testing graph expansion in the bounded degree model. We give a property tester that given a graph with degree bound $d$, an expansion bound $\alpha$, and a parameter $\epsilon > 0$, accepts the graph with high probability if its expansion is more than $\alpha$, and ... more >>>

TR11-144 | 2nd November 2011
Greg Kuperberg, Shachar Lovett, Ron Peled

Probabilistic existence of rigid combinatorial structures

We show the existence of rigid combinatorial objects which previously were not known to exist. Specifically, for a wide range of the underlying parameters, we show the existence of non-trivial orthogonal arrays, $t$-designs, and $t$-wise permutations. In all cases, the sizes of the objects are optimal up to polynomial overhead. ... more >>>

TR17-070 | 15th April 2017
Shachar Lovett, Sankeerth Rao Karingula, Alex Vardy

Probabilistic Existence of Large Sets of Designs

A new probabilistic technique for establishing the existence of certain regular combinatorial structures has been introduced by Kuperberg, Lovett, and Peled (STOC 2012). Using this technique, it can be shown that under certain conditions, a randomly chosen structure has the required properties of a $t-(n,k,?)$ combinatorial design with tiny, yet ... more >>>

TR18-015 | 25th January 2018
Eshan Chattopadhyay, Pooya Hatami, Kaave Hosseini, Shachar Lovett

Pseudorandom Generators from Polarizing Random Walks

Revisions: 1 , Comments: 1

We propose a new framework for constructing pseudorandom generators for $n$-variate Boolean functions. It is based on two new notions. First, we introduce fractional pseudorandom generators, which are pseudorandom distributions taking values in $[-1,1]^n$. Next, we use a fractional pseudorandom generator as steps of a random walk in $[-1,1]^n$ that ... more >>>

TR18-101 | 20th May 2018
Akash Kumar, C. Seshadhri, Andrew Stolman

Finding forbidden minors in sublinear time: a $O(n^{1/2+o(1)})$-query one-sided tester for minor closed properties on bounded degree graphs

Let $G$ be an undirected, bounded degree graph with $n$ vertices. Fix a finite graph $H$, and suppose one must remove $\varepsilon n$ edges from $G$ to make it $H$-minor free (for some small constant $\varepsilon > 0$).
We give an $n^{1/2+o(1)}$-time randomized procedure that, with high probability, finds an ... more >>>

TR18-148 | 25th August 2018
Akash Kumar, C. Seshadhri, Andrew Stolman

Finding forbidden minors in sublinear time: a $n^{1/2+o(1)}$-query one-sided tester for minor closed properties on bounded degree graphs

Let $G$ be an undirected, bounded degree graph
with $n$ vertices. Fix a finite graph $H$, and suppose one must remove $\varepsilon n$ edges from $G$ to make it $H$-minor free (for some small constant $\varepsilon > 0$). We give an $n^{1/2+o(1)}$-time randomized procedure that, with high probability, finds an ... more >>>

TR19-046 | 1st April 2019
Akash Kumar, C. Seshadhri, Andrew Stolman

andom walks and forbidden minors II: A $\poly(d\eps^{-1})$-query tester for minor-closed properties of bounded degree graphs

Revisions: 1

Let $G$ be a graph with $n$ vertices and maximum degree $d$. Fix some minor-closed property $\mathcal{P}$ (such as planarity).
We say that $G$ is $\varepsilon$-far from $\mathcal{P}$ if one has to remove $\varepsilon dn$ edges to make it have $\mathcal{P}$.
The problem of property testing $\mathcal{P}$ was introduced in ... more >>>

TR20-113 | 27th July 2020
Alessandro Chiesa, Tom Gur, Igor Shinkar

Relaxed Locally Correctable Codes with Nearly-Linear Block Length and Constant Query Complexity

Locally correctable codes (LCCs) are error correcting codes C : \Sigma^k \to \Sigma^n which admit local algorithms that correct any individual symbol of a corrupted codeword via a minuscule number of queries. This notion is stronger than that of locally decodable codes (LDCs), where the goal is to only recover ... more >>>

TR20-151 | 8th October 2020
Venkatesan Guruswami, Vinayak Kumar

Pseudobinomiality of the Sticky Random Walk

Random walks on expanders are a central and versatile tool in pseudorandomness. If an arbitrary half of the vertices of an expander graph are marked, known Chernoff bounds for expander walks imply that the number $M$ of marked vertices visited in a long $n$-step random walk strongly concentrates around the ... more >>>

TR22-069 | 28th April 2022
Silas Richelson, Sourya Roy

List-Decoding Random Walk XOR Codes Near the Johnson Bound

Revisions: 1

In a breakthrough result, Ta-Shma described an explicit construction of an almost optimal binary code (STOC 2017). Ta-Shma's code has distance $\frac{1-\varepsilon}{2}$ and rate $\Omega\bigl(\varepsilon^{2+o(1)}\bigr)$ and thus it almost achieves the Gilbert-Varshamov bound, except for the $o(1)$ term in the exponent. The prior best list-decoding algorithm for (a variant of) ... more >>>

TR22-103 | 15th July 2022
Dean Doron, Dana Moshkovitz, Justin Oh, David Zuckerman

Almost Chor--Goldreich Sources and Adversarial Random Walks

Revisions: 2

A Chor--Goldreich (CG) source [CG88] is a sequence of random variables $X = X_1 \circ \ldots \circ X_t$, each $X_i \sim \{0,1 \{^d$, such that each $X_i$ has $\delta d$ min-entropy for some constant $\delta > 0$, even conditioned on any fixing of $X_1 \circ \ldots \circ X_{i-1}$. We typically ... more >>>

TR24-165 | 21st October 2024
Dean Doron, Dana Moshkovitz, Justin Oh, David Zuckerman

Online Condensing of Unpredictable Sources via Random Walks

Revisions: 2

A natural model of a source of randomness consists of a long stream of symbols $X = X_1\circ\ldots\circ X_t$, with some guarantee on the entropy of $X_i$ conditioned on the outcome of the prefix $x_1,\dots,x_{i-1}$. We study unpredictable sources, a generalization of the almost Chor--Goldreich (CG) sources considered in [DMOZ23]. ... more >>>

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