The Graph Clustering Problem is parameterized by a sequence
of positive integers, $m_1,...,m_t$.
The input is a sequence of $\sum_{i=1}^{t}m_i$ graphs,
and the question is whether the equivalence classes
under the graph isomorphism relation have sizes which match
the sequence of parameters.
In this note
we show ...
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The input to the {\em Graph Clustering Problem}\/
consists of a sequence of integers $m_1,...,m_t$
and a sequence of $\sum_{i=1}^{t}m_i$ graphs.
The question is whether the equivalence classes,
under the graph isomorphism relation,
of the input graphs have sizes which match the input sequence of integers.
In this note ...
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We initiate a study of super-perfect zero-knowledge proof systems.
Loosely speaking, these are proof systems for which the interaction can be perfectly simulated in strict probabilistic polynomial-time.
In contrast, the standard definition of perfect zero-knowledge only requires that the interaction can be perfectly simulated
by a strict probabilistic polynomial-time that ...
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