We develop a new algebraic technique that gives a simple randomized algorithm for the simple $k$-path problem with the same complexity $O^*(1.657^k)$ as in [A. Bj\"orklund. Determinant Sums for Undirected Hamiltonicity. FOCS 2010, pp. 173--182, (2010). A. Bj\"orklund, T. Husfeldt, P. Kaski, M. Koivisto. Narrow sieves for parameterized paths and ... more >>>
Let the randomized query complexity of a relation for error probability $\epsilon$ be denoted by $\R_\epsilon(\cdot)$. We prove that for any relation $f \subseteq \{0,1\}^n \times \mathcal{R}$ and Boolean function $g:\{0,1\}^m \rightarrow \{0,1\}$, $\R_{1/3}(f\circ g^n) = \Omega(\R_{4/9}(f)\cdot\R_{1/2-1/n^4}(g))$, where $f \circ g^n$ is the relation obtained by composing $f$ and $g$. ... more >>>
We study the success probability of the PPSZ algorithm on $(d,k)$-CSP formulas. We greatly simplify the analysis of Hertli, Hurbain, Millius, Moser, Szedlak, and myself for the notoriously difficult case that the input formula has more than one satisfying assignment.
more >>>A Chor--Goldreich (CG) source [CG88] is a sequence of random variables $X = X_1 \circ \ldots \circ X_t$, each $X_i \sim \{0,1 \{^d$, such that each $X_i$ has $\delta d$ min-entropy for some constant $\delta > 0$, even conditioned on any fixing of $X_1 \circ \ldots \circ X_{i-1}$. We typically ... more >>>