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Reports tagged with hypergrids:
TR13-036 | 13th March 2013
Eric Blais, Sofya Raskhodnikova, Grigory Yaroslavtsev

Lower Bounds for Testing Properties of Functions on Hypergrid Domains

Revisions: 1

We introduce strong, and in many cases optimal, lower bounds for the number of queries required to nonadaptively test three fundamental properties of functions $ f : [n]^d \rightarrow \mathbb R$ on the hypergrid: monotonicity, convexity, and the Lipschitz property.
Our lower bounds also apply to the more restricted setting ... more >>>

TR23-048 | 4th April 2023
Hadley Black, Deeparnab Chakrabarty, C. Seshadhri

A $d^{1/2+o(1)}$ Monotonicity Tester for Boolean Functions on $d$-Dimensional Hypergrids

Monotonicity testing of Boolean functions on the hypergrid, $f:[n]^d \to \{0,1\}$, is a classic topic in property testing. Determining the non-adaptive complexity of this problem is an important open question. For arbitrary $n$, [Black-Chakrabarty-Seshadhri, SODA 2020] describe a tester with query complexity $\widetilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-4/3}d^{5/6})$. This complexity is independent of $n$, but ... more >>>

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