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Reports tagged with bit-fixing extractors:
TR13-058 | 5th April 2013
Ilan Komargodski, Ran Raz, Avishay Tal

Improved Average-Case Lower Bounds for DeMorgan Formula Size

Revisions: 2

We give a function $h:\{0,1\}^n\to\{0,1\}$ such that every deMorgan formula of size $n^{3-o(1)}/r^2$ agrees with $h$ on at most a fraction of $\frac{1}{2}+2^{-\Omega(r)}$ of the inputs. This improves the previous average-case lower bound of Komargodski and Raz (STOC, 2013).

Our technical contributions include a theorem that shows that the ``expected ... more >>>

TR14-160 | 27th November 2014
Gil Cohen, Igor Shinkar

Zero-Fixing Extractors for Sub-Logarithmic Entropy

An $(n,k)$-bit-fixing source is a distribution on $n$ bit strings, that is fixed on $n-k$ of the coordinates, and jointly uniform on the remaining $k$ bits. Explicit constructions of bit-fixing extractors by Gabizon, Raz and Shaltiel [SICOMP 2006] and Rao [CCC 2009], extract $(1-o(1)) \cdot k$ bits for $k = ... more >>>

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