We study how to extract randomness from a $C$-interleaved source, that is, a source comprised of $C$ independent sources whose bits or symbols are interleaved. We describe a simple approach for constructing such extractors that yields:
(1) For some $\delta>0, c > 0$,
explicit extractors for $2$-interleaved sources on $\{ ...
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We make progress in the following three problems: 1. Constructing optimal seeded non-malleable extractors; 2. Constructing optimal privacy amplification protocols with an active adversary, for any possible security parameter; 3. Constructing extractors for independent weak random sources, when the min-entropy is extremely small (i.e., near logarithmic).
For the first ... more >>>
We present explicit constructions of non-malleable codes with respect to the following tampering classes. (i) Linear functions composed with split-state adversaries: In this model, the codeword is first tampered by a split-state adversary, and then the whole tampered codeword is further tampered by a linear function. (ii) Interleaved split-state adversary: ... more >>>
We present the first explicit construction of a non-malleable code that can handle tampering functions that are bounded-degree polynomials.
Prior to our work, this was only known for degree-1 polynomials (affine tampering functions), due to Chattopadhyay and Li (STOC 2017). As a direct corollary, we obtain an explicit non-malleable ... more >>>