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TR24-164 | 25th October 2024
Prashanth Amireddy, Amik Raj Behera, Manaswi Paraashar, Srikanth Srinivasan, Madhu Sudan

Low Degree Local Correction Over the Boolean Cube

In this work, we show that the class of multivariate degree-$d$ polynomials mapping $\{0,1\}^{n}$ to any Abelian group $G$ is locally correctable with $\widetilde{O}_{d}((\log n)^{d})$ queries for up to a fraction of errors approaching half the minimum distance of the underlying code. In particular, this result holds even for polynomials ... more >>>

TR24-163 | 24th October 2024
Roei Tell

On defining PPT-search problems and PPT-optimization problems

This note revisits the study of search problems that are solvable in probabilistic polynomial time. Previously, Goldreich (2011) introduced a class called ``$\mathcal{BPP}$-search'', and studied search-to-decision reductions for problems in this class.

In Goldreich's original formulation, the definition of what counts as ``successfully solving'' a $\mathcal{BPP}$-search problem is implicit, and ... more >>>

TR24-162 | 24th October 2024
Agnes Schleitzer, Olaf Beyersdorff

Computationally Hard Problems Are Hard for QBF Proof Systems Too

There has been tremendous progress in the past decade in the field of quantified Boolean formulas (QBF), both in practical solving as well as in creating a theory of corresponding proof systems and their proof complexity analysis. Both for solving and for proof complexity, it is important to have interesting ... more >>>

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