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TR25-014 | 18th February 2025
Klim Efremenko, Gillat Kol, Dmitry Paramonov, Ran Raz, Raghuvansh Saxena

Information Dissemination via Broadcasts in the Presence of Adversarial Noise

We initiate the study of error correcting codes over the multi-party adversarial broadcast channel. Specifically, we consider the classic information dissemination problem where $n$ parties, each holding an input bit, wish to know each other's input. For this, they communicate in rounds, where, in each round, one designated party sends ... more >>>

TR25-013 | 18th February 2025
Raghuvansh Saxena, Yael Tauman Kalai

Polynomial Size, Short-Circuit Resilient Circuits for NC

We show how to convert any circuit of poly-logarithmic depth and polynomial size into a functionally equivalent circuit of polynomial size (and polynomial depth) that is resilient to adversarial short-circuit errors. Specifically, the resulting circuit computes the same function even if up to $\epsilon d$ gates on every root-to-leaf path ... more >>>

TR25-012 | 17th February 2025
Dean Doron, Ori Fridman

Bit-Fixing Extractors for Almost-Logarithmic Entropy

An oblivious bit-fixing source is a distribution over $\{0,1\}^n$, where $k$ bits are uniform and independent and the rest $n-k$ are fixed a priori to some constant value. Extracting (close to) true randomness from an oblivious bit-fixing source has been studied since the 1980s, with applications in cryptography and complexity ... more >>>

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