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TR24-188 | 21st November 2024
Edward Pyne, Nathan Sheffield, William Wang

Catalytic Communication

The study of space-bounded computation has drawn extensively from ideas and results in the field of communication complexity. Catalytic Computation (Buhrman, Cleve, Koucký, Loff and Speelman, STOC 2013) studies the power of bounded space augmented with a pre-filled hard drive that can be used non-destructively during the computation. Presently, many ... more >>>

TR24-187 | 21st November 2024
Oliver Janzer, Peter Manohar

A $k^{\frac{q}{q-2}}$ Lower Bound for Odd Query Locally Decodable Codes from Bipartite Kikuchi Graphs

A code $C \colon \{0,1\}^k \to \{0,1\}^n$ is a $q$-query locally decodable code ($q$-LDC) if one can recover any chosen bit $b_i$ of the message $b \in \{0,1\}^k$ with good confidence by querying a corrupted string $\tilde{x}$ of the codeword $x = C(b)$ in at most $q$ coordinates. For $2$ ... more >>>

TR24-186 | 21st November 2024
Mika Göös, Gilbert Maystre, Kilian Risse, Dmitry Sokolov

Supercritical Tradeoffs for Monotone Circuits

We exhibit a monotone function computable by a monotone circuit of quasipolynomial size such that any monotone circuit of polynomial depth requires exponential size. This is the first size-depth tradeoff result for monotone circuits in the so-called supercritical regime. Our proof is based on an analogous result in proof complexity: ... more >>>

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