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TR21-143 | 13th October 2021
Edward Pyne

Hitting Sets For Regular Branching Programs

Revisions: 2

We construct an explicit $\varepsilon$-hitting set generator (HSG) for regular ordered branching programs of length $n$ and $\textit{unbounded width}$ with a single accept state that has seed length
Previously, the best known seed length for regular branching programs of width $w$ with a single accept state was ... more >>>

TR21-142 | 1st October 2021
Amey Bhangale, Prahladh Harsha, Sourya Roy

Mixing of 3-term progressions in Quasirandom Groups

In this note, we show the mixing of three-term progressions $(x, xg, xg^2)$ in every finite quasirandom group, fully answering a question of Gowers. More precisely, we show that for any $D$-quasirandom group $G$ and any three sets $A_1, A_2, A_3 \subset G$, we have
\[ \left|\Pr_{x,y\sim G}\left[ x \in ... more >>>

TR21-141 | 28th September 2021
Alexander Golovnev, Siyao Guo, Spencer Peters, Noah Stephens-Davidowitz

On the (im)possibility of branch-and-bound search-to-decision reductions for approximate optimization

Revisions: 1

We study a natural and quite general model of branch-and-bound algorithms. In this model, an algorithm attempts to minimize (or maximize) a function $f : D \to \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$ by making oracle queries to a heuristic $h_f$ satisfying
\min_{x \in S} f(x) \leq h_f(S) \leq \gamma \cdot ... more >>>

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