Suppose we have random sampling access to a huge object, such as a graph or a database.
Namely, we can observe the values of \emph{random} locations in the object, say random records in the database or random edges in the graph.
We cannot, however, query locations of our choice. Can ...
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A recent work of Li and Wootters (2021) shows a redundancy lower bound of $\Omega(\sqrt{Nk})$ for systematic linear $k$-batch codes of block length $N$ by looking at the $O(k)$ tensor power of the dual code. In this note, we present an alternate proof of their result via a linear independence ... more >>>
We pioneer a new technique that allows us to prove a multitude of previously open simulations in QBF proof complexity. In particular, we show that extended QBF Frege p-simulates clausal proof systems such as IR-Calculus, IRM-Calculus, Long-Distance Q-Resolution, and Merge Resolution.
These results are obtained by taking a technique ...
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