In this paper, we give the first subexponential (and in fact quasi-polynomial time) reconstruction algorithm for depth 3 circuits of top fan-in 3 ($\Sigma\Pi\Sigma(3)$ circuits) over the fields $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb C$. Concretely, we show that given blackbox access to an $n$-variate polynomial $f$ computed by a $\Sigma\Pi\Sigma(3)$ circuit of ... more >>>
We prove that if a degree-$d$ homogeneous polynomial $f$ has border Waring rank $\underline{\mathrm{WR}}({f}) = r$, then its Waring rank is bounded by
{\mathrm{WR}}({f}) \leq d \cdot r^{O(\sqrt{r})}.
This result significantly improves upon the recent bound ${\mathrm{WR}}({f}) \leq d \cdot 4^r$ established in [Dutta, Gesmundo, Ikenmeyer, Jindal, ...
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We study linearity testing over the $p$-biased hypercube $(\{0,1\}^n, \mu_p^{\otimes n})$ in the 1% regime. For a distribution $\nu$ supported over $\{x\in \{0,1\}^k:\sum_{i=1}^k x_i=0 \text{ (mod 2)} \}$, with marginal distribution $\mu_p$ in each coordinate, the corresponding $k$-query linearity test $\text{Lin}(\nu)$ proceeds as follows: Given query access to a function ... more >>>