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TR19-078 | 1st June 2019 10:34

Pseudo-Mixing Time of Random Walks


Authors: Itai Benjamini, Oded Goldreich
Publication: 1st June 2019 10:34
Downloads: 812


We introduce the notion of pseudo-mixing time of a graph define as the number of steps in a random walk that suffices for generating a vertex that looks random to any polynomial-time observer, where, in addition to the tested vertex, the observer is also provided with oracle access to the incidence function of the graph.

Assuming the existence of one-way functions,
we show that the pseudo-mixing time of a graph can be much smaller than its mixing time.
Specifically, we present bounded-degree $N$-vertex Cayley graphs that have pseudo-mixing time $t$ for any $t(N)=\omega(\log\log N)$.
Furthermore, the vertices of these graphs can be represented by string of length $2\log_2N$, and the incidence function of these graphs can be computed by Boolean circuits of size $poly(\log N)$.

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