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Reports tagged with one-way function:
TR98-033 | 12th June 1998
C.P. Schnorr

Security of Allmost ALL Discrete Log Bits

Let G be a finite cyclic group with generator \alpha and with
an encoding so that multiplication is computable in polynomial time. We
study the security of bits of the discrete log x when given \exp_{\alpha}(x),
assuming that the exponentiation function \exp_{\alpha}(x) = \alpha^x is one-way.
... more >>>

TR04-074 | 26th August 2004
Emanuele Viola

On Parallel Pseudorandom Generators

Revisions: 1

We study pseudorandom generator (PRG) constructions $G^f : {0,1}^l \to {0,1}^{l+s}$ from one-way functions $f : {0,1}^n \to {0,1}^m$. We consider PRG constructions of the form $G^f(x) = C(f(q_{1}) \ldots f(q_{poly(n)}))$
where $C$ is a polynomial-size constant depth circuit
and $C$ and the $q$'s are generated from $x$ arbitrarily.
more >>>

TR04-095 | 3rd November 2004
Daniele Micciancio

Generalized compact knapsacks, cyclic lattices, and efficient one-way functions from worst-case complexity assumptions

We investigate the average case complexity of a generalization of the compact knapsack problem to arbitrary rings: given $m$ (random) ring elements a_1,...,a_m in R and a (random) target value b in R, find coefficients x_1,...,x_m in S (where S is an appropriately chosen subset of R) such that a_1*x_1 ... more >>>

TR05-076 | 2nd July 2005
Dima Grigoriev, Edward Hirsch, Konstantin Pervyshev

Time hierarchies for cryptographic function inversion with advice

We prove a time hierarchy theorem for inverting functions
computable in polynomial time with one bit of advice.
In particular, we prove that if there is a strongly
one-way function, then for any k and for any polynomial p,
there is a function f computable in linear time
with one ... more >>>

TR06-034 | 9th March 2006
Moni Naor, Guy Rothblum

The Complexity of Online Memory Checking

Suppose you want to store a large file on a remote and unreliable server. You would like to verify that your file has not been corrupted, so you store a small private (randomized)``fingerprint'' of the file on your own computer. This is the setting for the well-studied authentication problem, and ... more >>>

TR07-117 | 8th November 2007
Edward Hirsch, Dmitry Itsykson

An infinitely-often one-way function based on an average-case assumption

We assume the existence of a function f that is computable in polynomial time but its inverse function is not computable in randomized average-case polynomial time. The cryptographic setting is, however, different: even for a weak one-way function, every possible adversary should fail on a polynomial fraction of inputs. Nevertheless, ... more >>>

TR09-143 | 22nd December 2009
Noam Livne

On the Construction of One-Way Functions from Average Case Hardness

In this paper we study the possibility of proving the existence of
one-way functions based on average case hardness. It is well-known
that if there exists a polynomial-time sampler that outputs
instance-solution pairs such that the distribution on the instances
is hard on average, then one-way functions exist. We study ... more >>>

TR11-012 | 2nd February 2011
Andrej Bogdanov, Alon Rosen

Input locality and hardness amplification

We establish new hardness amplification results for one-way functions in which each input bit influences only a small number of output bits (a.k.a. input-local functions). Our transformations differ from previous ones in that they approximately preserve input locality and at the same time retain the input size of the original ... more >>>

TR12-005 | 13th January 2012
Periklis Papakonstantinou, Guang Yang

A remark on one-wayness versus pseudorandomness

Every pseudorandom generator is in particular a one-way function. If we only consider part of the output of the
pseudorandom generator is this still one-way? Here is a general setting formalizing this question. Suppose
$G:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\ell(n)}$ is a pseudorandom generator with stretch $\ell(n)> n$. Let $M_R\in\{0,1\}^{m(n)\times \ell(n)}$ be a linear ... more >>>

TR12-175 | 13th December 2012
James Cook, Omid Etesami, Rachel Miller, Luca Trevisan

On the One-Way Function Candidate Proposed by Goldreich

Revisions: 1

A function $f$ mapping $n$-bit strings to $m$-bit strings can be constructed from a bipartite graph with $n$ vertices on the left and $m$ vertices on the right having right-degree $d$ together with a predicate $P:\{0,1\}^d\rightarrow\{0,1\}$. The vertices on the left correspond to the bits of the input to the ... more >>>

TR14-082 | 3rd June 2014
Yu Yu, Dawu Gu, Xiangxue Li

The Randomized Iterate Revisited - Almost Linear Seed Length PRGs from A Broader Class of One-way Functions

Revisions: 3

We revisit ``the randomized iterate'' technique that was originally used by Goldreich, Krawczyk, and Luby (SICOMP 1993) and refined by Haitner, Harnik and Reingold (CRYPTO 2006) in constructing pseudorandom generators (PRGs) from regular one-way functions (OWFs). We abstract out a technical lemma with connections to several recent work on cryptography ... more >>>

TR14-108 | 10th August 2014
Andrej Bogdanov, Christina Brzuska

On Basing Size-Verifiable One-Way Functions on NP-Hardness

Revisions: 1

We prove that if the hardness of inverting a size-verifiable one-way function can
be based on NP-hardness via a general (adaptive) reduction, then coAM is contained in NP. This
claim was made by Akavia, Goldreich, Goldwasser, and Moshkovitz (STOC 2006), but
was later retracted (STOC 2010).

more >>>

TR14-109 | 14th August 2014
Aran Nayebi, Scott Aaronson, Aleksandrs Belovs, Luca Trevisan

Quantum lower bound for inverting a permutation with advice

Revisions: 1

Given a random permutation $f: [N] \to [N]$ as a black box and $y \in [N]$, we want to output $x = f^{-1}(y)$. Supplementary to our input, we are given classical advice in the form of a pre-computed data structure; this advice can depend on the permutation but \emph{not} on ... more >>>

TR15-045 | 1st April 2015
Benny Applebaum, Yuval Ishai, Eyal Kushilevitz

Minimizing Locality of One-Way Functions via Semi-Private Randomized Encodings

Revisions: 1

A one-way function is $d$-local if each of its outputs depends on at most $d$ input bits. In (Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz, FOCS 2004) it was shown that, under relatively mild assumptions, there exist $4$-local one-way functions (OWFs). This result is not far from optimal as it is not hard ... more >>>

TR19-078 | 1st June 2019
Itai Benjamini, Oded Goldreich

Pseudo-Mixing Time of Random Walks

We introduce the notion of pseudo-mixing time of a graph define as the number of steps in a random walk that suffices for generating a vertex that looks random to any polynomial-time observer, where, in addition to the tested vertex, the observer is also provided with oracle access to the ... more >>>

TR20-052 | 14th April 2020
Yanyi Liu, Rafael Pass

On One-way Functions and Kolmogorov Complexity

Revisions: 2

We prove the equivalence of two fundamental problems in the theory of computation:

- Existence of one-way functions: the existence of one-way functions (which in turn are equivalent to pseudorandom generators, pseudorandom functions, private-key encryption schemes, digital signatures, commitment schemes, and more).

- Mild average-case hardness of $K^{poly}$-complexity: ... more >>>

TR21-055 | 20th April 2021
Yanyi Liu, Rafael Pass

Cryptography from Sublinear-Time Average-Case Hardness of Time-Bounded Kolmogorov Complexity

Let $\mktp[s]$ be the set of strings $x$ such that $K^t(x) \leq s(|x|)$, where $K^t(x)$ denotes the $t$-bounded Kolmogorov complexity of the truthtable described by $x$. Our main theorem shows that for an appropriate notion of mild average-case hardness, for every $\varepsilon>0$, polynomial $t(n) \geq (1+\varepsilon)n$, and every ``nice'' class ... more >>>

TR21-056 | 22nd April 2021
Yanyi Liu, Rafael Pass

On the Possibility of Basing Cryptography on $\EXP \neq \BPP$

Liu and Pass (FOCS'20) recently demonstrated an equivalence between the existence of one-way functions (OWFs) and mild average-case hardness of the time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity problem. In this work, we establish a similar equivalence but to a different form of time-bounded Kolmogorov Complexity---namely, Levin's notion of Kolmogorov Complexity---whose hardness is closely ... more >>>

TR21-059 | 20th April 2021
Yanyi Liu, Rafael Pass

On One-way Functions from NP-Complete Problems

Revisions: 2

We present the first natural $\NP$-complete problem whose average-case hardness w.r.t. the uniform distribution over instances implies the existence of one-way functions (OWF). In fact, we prove that the existence of OWFs is \emph{equivalent} to mild average-case hardness of this $\NP$-complete problem. The problem, which originated in the 1960s, is ... more >>>

TR23-035 | 22nd March 2023
Shuichi Hirahara, Rahul Ilango, Zhenjian Lu, Mikito Nanashima, Igor Carboni Oliveira

A Duality Between One-Way Functions and Average-Case Symmetry of Information

Symmetry of Information (SoI) is a fundamental property of Kolmogorov complexity that relates the complexity of a pair of strings and their conditional complexities. Understanding if this property holds in the time-bounded setting is a longstanding open problem. In the nineties, Longpré and Mocas (1993) and Longpré and Watanabe (1995) ... more >>>

TR23-037 | 28th March 2023
Shuichi Hirahara

Capturing One-Way Functions via NP-Hardness of Meta-Complexity

A one-way function is a function that is easy to compute but hard to invert *on average*. We establish the first characterization of a one-way function by *worst-case* hardness assumptions, by introducing a natural meta-computational problem whose NP-hardness (and the worst-case hardness of NP) characterizes the existence of a one-way ... more >>>

TR23-100 | 6th July 2023
Shuichi Hirahara, Mikito Nanashima

Learning in Pessiland via Inductive Inference

Pessiland is one of Impagliazzo's five possible worlds in which NP is hard on average, yet no one-way function exists. This world is considered the most pessimistic because it offers neither algorithmic nor cryptographic benefits.

In this paper, we develop a unified framework for constructing strong learning algorithms ... more >>>

TR23-103 | 12th July 2023
Yanyi Liu, Rafael Pass

On One-way Functions and the Worst-case Hardness of Time-Bounded Kolmogorov Complexity

Revisions: 1

Whether one-way functions (OWF) exist is arguably the most important
problem in Cryptography, and beyond. While lots of candidate
constructions of one-way functions are known, and recently also
problems whose average-case hardness characterize the existence of
OWFs have been demonstrated, the question of
whether there exists some \emph{worst-case hard problem} ... more >>>

TR23-143 | 22nd September 2023
Noam Mazor, Rafael Pass

Counting Unpredictable Bits: A Simple PRG from One-way Functions

Revisions: 3

A central result in the theory of Cryptography, by Hastad, Imagliazzo, Luby and Levin [SICOMP’99], demonstrates that the existence one-way functions (OWF) implies the existence of pseudo-random generators (PRGs). Despite the fundamental importance of this result, and several elegant improvements/simplifications, analyses of constructions of PRGs from OWFs remain complex (both ... more >>>

TR23-152 | 14th October 2023
Yanyi Liu, Rafael Pass

One-way Functions and Hardness of (Probabilistic) Time-Bounded Kolmogorov Complexity w.r.t. Samplable Distributions

Consider the recently introduced notion of \emph{probabilistic
time-bounded Kolmogorov Complexity}, pK^t (Goldberg et al,
CCC'22), and let MpK^tP denote the language of pairs (x,k) such that pK^t(x) \leq k.
We show the equivalence of the following:
- MpK^{poly}P is (mildly) hard-on-average w.r.t. \emph{any} samplable
distribution $\D$;
- ... more >>>

TR23-205 | 21st December 2023
Marshall Ball, Dana Dachman-Soled

(Inefficient Prover) ZAPs from Hard-to-Invert Functions

A ZAP is a witness-indistinguishable two-message public-coin interactive proof with the following simple structure: the verifier sends a uniformly random string, the prover responds, and the verifier decides in polynomial time whether to accept or reject.

We show that one-way functions imply the existence of ... more >>>

TR24-063 | 6th April 2024
Shuichi Hirahara, Mikito Nanashima

One-Way Functions and Zero Knowledge

The fundamental theorem of Goldreich, Micali, and Wigderson (J. ACM 1991) shows that the existence of a one-way function is sufficient for constructing computational zero knowledge ($\mathrm{CZK}$) proofs for all languages in $\mathrm{NP}$. We prove its converse, thereby establishing characterizations of one-way functions based on the worst-case complexities of ... more >>>

TR24-136 | 4th September 2024
Shuichi Hirahara, Zhenjian Lu, Igor Oliveira

One-Way Functions and pKt Complexity

We introduce $\mathrm{pKt}$ complexity, a new notion of time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity that can be seen as a probabilistic analogue of Levin's $\mathrm{Kt}$ complexity. Using $\mathrm{pKt}$ complexity, we upgrade two recent frameworks that characterize one-way functions ($\mathrm{OWFs}$) via symmetry of information and meta-complexity, respectively. Among other contributions, we establish the following ... more >>>

TR24-155 | 11th October 2024
Shuichi Hirahara, Zhenjian Lu, Mikito Nanashima

Optimal Coding for Randomized Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications

The coding theorem for Kolmogorov complexity states that any string sampled from a computable distribution has a description length close to its information content. A coding theorem for resource-bounded Kolmogorov complexity is the key to obtaining fundamental results in average-case complexity, yet whether any samplable distribution admits a coding theorem ... more >>>

TR24-201 | 4th December 2024
Marius Zimand

On one-way functions and the average time complexity of almost-optimal compression

Revisions: 1

We show that one-way functions exist if and only there exists an efficient distribution relative to which almost-optimal compression is hard on average. The result is obtained by combining a theorem of Ilango, Ren, and Santhanam [STOC 2022] and one by Bauwens and Zimand [JACM, 2023].

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