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TR22-154 | 6th November 2022 19:01

Spectral Expanding Expanders


Authors: Gil Cohen, Itay Cohen
Publication: 13th November 2022 20:30
Downloads: 721


Dinitz, Schapira, and Valadarsky (Algorithmica 2017) introduced the intriguing notion of expanding expanders -- a family of expander graphs with the property that every two consecutive graphs in the family differ only on a small number of edges. Such a family allows one to add and remove vertices with only few edge updates, making them useful in dynamic settings such as for datacenter network topologies and for the design of distributed algorithms for self-healing expanders. Dinitz et al. constructed explicit expanding-expanders based on the Bilu-Linial construction of spectral expanders (Combinatorica 2006). The construction of expanding expanders, however, ends up being of edge expanders, thus, an open problem raised by Dinitz et al. is to construct spectral expanding expanders (SEE).

In this work, we resolve this question by constructing SEE with spectral expansion which, like the Bilu-Linial construction, is optimal up to a poly-logarithmic factor, and the number of edge updates is optimal up to a constant. We further give a simple proof for the existence of SEE that are close to Ramanujan up to a small additive term. As in the work of Dinitz et al., our construction is based on interpolating between a graph and its lift. However, to establish spectral expansion, we carefully weigh the interpolated graphs, dubbed partial lifts, in a way that enables us to conduct a delicate analysis of their spectrum. In particular, at a crucial point in the analysis, we consider the eigenvectors structure of the partial lifts.

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint