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Revision #1 to TR22-169 | 13th January 2023 22:53

Extractors for Images of Varieties


Revision #1
Authors: Zeyu Guo, Ben Lee Volk, Akhil Jalan, David Zuckerman
Accepted on: 13th January 2023 22:53
Downloads: 346


We construct explicit deterministic extractors for polynomial images of varieties, that is, distributions sampled by applying a low-degree polynomial map $f : \mathbb{F}_q^r \to \mathbb{F}_q^n$ to an element sampled uniformly at random from a $k$-dimensional variety $V \subseteq \mathbb{F}_q^r$. This class of sources generalizes both polynomial sources, studied by Dvir, Gabizon and Wigderson (FOCS 2007, Comput. Complex. 2009), and variety sources, studied by Dvir (CCC 2009, Comput. Complex. 2012).

Assuming certain natural non-degeneracy conditions on the map $f$ and the variety $V$, which in particular ensure that the source has enough min-entropy, we extract almost all the min-entropy of the distribution. Unlike the Dvir-Gabizon-Wigderson and Dvir results, our construction works over large enough finite fields of arbitrary characteristic. One key part of our construction is an improved deterministic rank extractor for varieties. As a by-product, we obtain explicit Noether normalization lemmas for affine varieties and affine algebras.

Additionally, we generalize a construction of affine extractors with exponentially small error due to Bourgain, Dvir and Leeman (Comput. Complex. 2016) by extending it to all finite prime fields of quasipolynomial size.

Changes to previous version:

Fixing a gap in the proof of the effective fiber dimension theorem in Appendix B.


TR22-169 | 26th November 2022 12:49

Extractors for Images of Varieties

Authors: Zeyu Guo, Ben Lee Volk, Akhil Jalan, David Zuckerman
Publication: 26th November 2022 14:06
Downloads: 386


We construct explicit deterministic extractors for polynomial images of varieties, that is, distributions sampled by applying a low-degree polynomial map $f : \mathbb{F}_q^r \to \mathbb{F}_q^n$ to an element sampled uniformly at random from a $k$-dimensional variety $V \subseteq \mathbb{F}_q^r$. This class of sources generalizes both polynomial sources, studied by Dvir, Gabizon and Wigderson (FOCS 2007, Comput. Complex. 2009), and variety sources, studied by Dvir (CCC 2009, Comput. Complex. 2012).

Assuming certain natural non-degeneracy conditions on the map $f$ and the variety $V$, which in particular ensure that the source has enough min-entropy, we extract almost all the min-entropy of the distribution. Unlike the Dvir-Gabizon-Wigderson and Dvir results, our construction works over large enough finite fields of arbitrary characteristic. One key part of our construction is an improved deterministic rank extractor for varieties. As a by-product, we obtain explicit Noether normalization lemmas for affine varieties and affine algebras.

Additionally, we generalize a construction of affine extractors with exponentially small error due to Bourgain, Dvir and Leeman (Comput. Complex. 2016) by extending it to all finite prime fields of quasipolynomial size.

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