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Revision #1 to TR23-209 | 11th April 2024 18:46

Swap cosystolic expansion


Revision #1
Authors: Yotam Dikstein, Irit Dinur
Accepted on: 11th April 2024 18:46
Downloads: 156


We introduce and study swap cosystolic expansion, a new expansion property of simplicial complexes. We prove lower bounds for swap coboundary expansion of spherical buildings and use them to lower bound swap cosystolic expansion of the LSV Ramanujan complexes. Our motivation is the recent work (in a companion paper) showing that swap cosystolic expansion implies agreement theorems. Together the two works show that these complexes support agreement tests in the low acceptance regime.

Swap cosystolic expansion is defined by considering, for a given complex $X$, its faces complex $F^r X$, whose vertices are $r$-faces of $X$ and where two vertices are connected if their disjoint union is also a face in $X$. The faces complex $F^r X$ is a derandomizetion of the product of $X$ with itself $r$ times. The graph underlying $F^rX$ is the swap walk of $X$, known to have excellent spectral expansion. The swap cosystolic expansion of $X$ is defined to be the cosystolic expansion of $F^r X$.

Our main result is a $\exp(-O(\sqrt r))$ lower bound on the swap coboundary expansion of the spherical building and the swap cosystolic expansion of the LSV complexes. For more general coboundary expanders we show a weaker lower bound of $exp(-O(r))$.


TR23-209 | 23rd December 2023 21:02

Swap cosystolic expansion

Authors: Yotam Dikstein, Irit Dinur
Publication: 24th December 2023 07:08
Downloads: 221


We introduce and study swap cosystolic expansion, a new expansion property of simplicial complexes. We prove lower bounds for swap coboundary expansion of spherical buildings and use them to lower bound swap cosystolic expansion of the LSV Ramanujan complexes. Our motivation is the recent work (in a companion paper) showing that swap cosystolic expansion implies agreement theorems. Together the two works show that these complexes support agreement tests in the low acceptance regime.

Swap cosystolic expansion is defined by considering, for a given complex $X$, its faces complex $F^r X$, whose vertices are $r$-faces of $X$ and where two vertices are connected if their disjoint union is also a face in $X$. The faces complex $F^r X$ is a derandomizetion of the product of $X$ with itself $r$ times. The graph underlying $F^rX$ is the swap walk of $X$, known to have excellent spectral expansion. The swap cosystolic expansion of $X$ is defined to be the cosystolic expansion of $F^r X$.

Our main result is a $\exp(-O(\sqrt r))$ lower bound on the swap coboundary expansion of the spherical building and the swap cosystolic expansion of the LSV complexes. For more general coboundary expanders we show a weaker lower bound of $exp(-O(r))$.

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint