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TR24-042 | 22nd February 2024 17:25

Pebble Games and Algebraic Proof Systems Meet Again


Authors: Lisa Jaser, Jacobo Toran
Publication: 3rd March 2024 09:43
Downloads: 368


Analyzing refutations of the well known
pebbling formulas we prove some new strong connections between pebble games and algebraic proof system, showing that
there is a parallelism between the reversible, black and black-white pebbling games on one side, and
the three algebraic proof systems NS, MC and PC on the other side. In particular we prove:

\item For any DAG $G$ with a single sink, if there is a Monomial Calculus refutation
for $Peb(G)$ having simultaneously degree $s$ and size $t$
then there is a black pebbling strategy on $G$ with space $s$ and time $t+s$.
Also if there is a black pebbling strategy for $G$ with space $s$ and time $t$ it is possible to extract from it
a MC refutation
for $Peb(G)$ having simultaneously degree $s$ and size $2t(s-1)$.
These results are analogous to those proven in [de Rezende et al. 21] for the case of reversible pebbling and
Using them we prove degree separations between NS and MC
as well as strong degree-size tradeoffs for MC.

\item We show that the variable space needed for the refutation of pebbling formulas in Polynomial Calculus exactly
coincides with the black-white pebbling number of the corresponding graph.
One direction of this result was known. We present an new elementary proof of it.

We show that for any unsatisfiable CNF formula $F,$ the variable space in a Resolution refutation
of the formula is a lower bound for the monomial space in a PCR refutation for
the extended formula $F[\oplus]$.
This implies that
for any DAG
$G$, the monomial space needed in the PCR refutation of an XOR pebbling formulas is lower bounded
by the black-white pebbling number of the corresponding graph. This solves affirmatively Open Problem 7.11 from
[Buss Nordström 21].

The last result
proves a strong separation between degree and monomial space in PCR of size $\Omega(\frac{n}{\log n})$
with the additional property
that it is independent of the field characteristic. This question
was posed in [Filmus et al. 13].



Comment #1 to TR24-042 | 24th March 2024 06:46

Mistake found in the proof of Theorem 30

Authors: Jacobo Toran
Accepted on: 24th March 2024 06:46


We found out a mistake in the proof of Theorem 30, therefore we do not claim anymore that we have proven that for any unsatisfiable CNF formula F the variable space in a Resolution refutation
of the formula is a lower bound for the monomial space in a PCR refutation for
the extended formula $F[\oplus]$. This result is still open.

Also, we were pointed out that the result in Theorem 28 follows directly from known results
from [Ben09] and [BNT13] .

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