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All reports by Author Mrinal Kumar:

TR24-148 | 5th October 2024
Swastik Kopparty, Mrinal Kumar, Harry Sha

High Rate Multivariate Polynomial Evaluation Codes

Revisions: 1

The classical Reed-Muller codes over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ are based on evaluations of $m$-variate polynomials of degree at most $d$ over a product set $U^m$, for some $d$ less than $|U|$. Because of their good distance properties, as well as the ubiquity and expressive power of polynomials, these codes ... more >>>

TR22-063 | 30th April 2022
Vishwas Bhargava, Sumanta Ghosh, Zeyu Guo, Mrinal Kumar, Chris Umans

Fast Multivariate Multipoint Evaluation Over All Finite Fields

Multivariate multipoint evaluation is the problem of evaluating a multivariate polynomial, given as a coefficient vector, simultaneously at multiple evaluation points. In this work, we show that there exists a deterministic algorithm for multivariate multipoint evaluation over any finite field $\mathbb{F}$ that outputs the evaluations of an $m$-variate polynomial of ... more >>>

TR21-162 | 14th November 2021
Vishwas Bhargava, Sumanta Ghosh, Mrinal Kumar, Chandra Kanta Mohapatra

Fast, Algebraic Multivariate Multipoint Evaluation in Small Characteristic and Applications

Revisions: 3

Multipoint evaluation is the computational task of evaluating a polynomial given as a list of coefficients at a given set of inputs. Besides being a natural and fundamental question in computer algebra on its own, fast algorithms for this problem is also closely related to fast algorithms for other natural ... more >>>

TR21-036 | 14th March 2021
Siddharth Bhandari, Prahladh Harsha, Mrinal Kumar, Madhu Sudan

Ideal-theoretic Explanation of Capacity-achieving Decoding

Revisions: 1

In this work, we present an abstract framework for some algebraic error-correcting codes with the aim of capturing codes that are list-decodable to capacity, along with their decoding algorithm. In the polynomial ideal framework, a code is specified by some ideals in a polynomial ring, messages are polynomials and their ... more >>>

TR20-181 | 4th December 2020
Bruno Pasqualotto Cavalar, Mrinal Kumar, Benjamin Rossman

Monotone Circuit Lower Bounds from Robust Sunflowers

Revisions: 2

Robust sunflowers are a generalization of combinatorial sunflowers that have applications in monotone circuit complexity, DNF sparsification, randomness extractors, and recent advances on the Erd\H{o}s-Rado sunflower conjecture. The recent breakthrough of Alweiss, Lovett, Wu and Zhang gives an improved bound on the maximum size of a $w$-set system that excludes ... more >>>

TR20-179 | 2nd December 2020
Siddharth Bhandari, Prahladh Harsha, Mrinal Kumar, Madhu Sudan

Decoding Multivariate Multiplicity Codes on Product Sets

The multiplicity Schwartz-Zippel lemma bounds the total multiplicity of zeroes of a multivariate polynomial on a product set. This lemma motivates the multiplicity codes of Kopparty, Saraf and Yekhanin [J. ACM, 2014], who showed how to use this lemma to construct high-rate locally-decodable codes. However, the algorithmic results about these ... more >>>

TR20-129 | 5th September 2020
Mrinal Kumar, Ben Lee Volk

A Lower Bound on Determinantal Complexity

The determinantal complexity of a polynomial $P \in \mathbb{F}[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ over a field $\mathbb{F}$ is the dimension of the smallest matrix $M$ whose entries are affine functions in $\mathbb{F}[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ such that $P = Det(M)$. We prove that the determinantal complexity of the polynomial $\sum_{i = 1}^n x_i^n$ ... more >>>

TR20-041 | 29th March 2020
Mrinal Kumar, Ben Lee Volk

A Polynomial Degree Bound on Defining Equations of Non-rigid Matrices and Small Linear Circuits

Revisions: 2

We show that there is a defining equation of degree at most poly(n) for the (Zariski closure of the) set of the non-rigid matrices: that is, we show that for every large enough field $\mathbb{F}$, there is a non-zero $n^2$-variate polynomial $P \in \mathbb{F}(x_{1, 1}, \ldots, x_{n, n})$ of degree ... more >>>

TR19-172 | 28th November 2019
Prasad Chaugule, Mrinal Kumar, Nutan Limaye, Chandra Kanta Mohapatra, Adrian She, Srikanth Srinivasan

Schur Polynomials do not have small formulas if the Determinant doesn't!

Schur Polynomials are families of symmetric polynomials that have been
classically studied in Combinatorics and Algebra alike. They play a central
role in the study of Symmetric functions, in Representation theory [Sta99], in
Schubert calculus [LM10] as well as in Enumerative combinatorics [Gas96, Sta84,
Sta99]. In recent years, they have ... more >>>

TR19-170 | 27th November 2019
Prerona Chatterjee, Mrinal Kumar, Adrian She, Ben Lee Volk

A Quadratic Lower Bound for Algebraic Branching Programs

Revisions: 3

We show that any Algebraic Branching Program (ABP) computing the polynomial $\sum_{i = 1}^n x_i^n$ has at least $\Omega(n^2)$ vertices. This improves upon the lower bound of $\Omega(n\log n)$, which follows from the classical result of Baur and Strassen [Str73, BS83], and extends the results by Kumar [Kum19], which showed ... more >>>

TR19-065 | 1st May 2019
Mrinal Kumar, Ramprasad Saptharishi, Noam Solomon

Derandomization from Algebraic Hardness: Treading the Borders

Revisions: 3

A hitting-set generator (HSG) is a polynomial map $Gen:\mathbb{F}^k \to \mathbb{F}^n$ such that for all $n$-variate polynomials $Q$ of small enough circuit size and degree, if $Q$ is non-zero, then $Q\circ Gen$ is non-zero. In this paper, we give a new construction of such a HSG assuming that we have ... more >>>

TR19-047 | 2nd April 2019
Mrinal Kumar, Ben Lee Volk

Lower Bounds for Matrix Factorization

We study the problem of constructing explicit families of matrices which cannot be expressed as a product of a few sparse matrices. In addition to being a natural mathematical question on its own, this problem appears in various incarnations in computer science; the most significant being in the context of ... more >>>

TR19-037 | 5th March 2019
Chi-Ning Chou, Mrinal Kumar, Noam Solomon

Closure of VP under taking factors: a short and simple proof

Revisions: 1

In this note, we give a short, simple and almost completely self contained proof of a classical result of Kaltofen [Kal86, Kal87, Kal89] which shows that if an n variate degree $d$ polynomial f can be computed by an arithmetic circuit of size s, then each of its factors can ... more >>>

TR19-019 | 19th February 2019
Mrinal Kumar, Rafael Mendes de Oliveira, Ramprasad Saptharishi

Towards Optimal Depth Reductions for Syntactically Multilinear Circuits

We show that any $n$-variate polynomial computable by a syntactically multilinear circuit of size $\mathop{poly}(n)$ can be computed by a depth-$4$ syntactically multilinear ($\Sigma\Pi\Sigma\Pi$) circuit of size at most $\exp\left({O\left(\sqrt{n\log n}\right)}\right)$. For degree $d = \omega(n/\log n)$, this improves upon the upper bound of $\exp\left({O(\sqrt{d}\log n)}\right)$ obtained by Tavenas (MFCS ... more >>>

TR18-132 | 17th July 2018
Mrinal Kumar, Ramprasad Saptharishi, Anamay Tengse

Near-optimal Bootstrapping of Hitting Sets for Algebraic Circuits

Revisions: 3

The classical lemma of Ore-DeMillo-Lipton-Schwartz-Zippel states that any nonzero polynomial $f(x_1,\ldots, x_n)$ of degree at most $s$ will evaluate to a nonzero value at some point on a grid $S^n \subseteq \mathbb{F}^n$ with $|S| > s$. Thus, there is a deterministic polynomial identity test (PIT) for all degree-$s$ size-$s$ ... more >>>

TR18-081 | 20th April 2018
Abhishek Bhrushundi, Prahladh Harsha, Pooya Hatami, Swastik Kopparty, Mrinal Kumar

On Multilinear Forms: Bias, Correlation, and Tensor Rank

Revisions: 1

In this paper, we prove new relations between the bias of multilinear forms, the correlation between multilinear forms and lower degree polynomials, and the rank of tensors over $GF(2)= \{0,1\}$. We show the following results for multilinear forms and tensors.

1. Correlation bounds : We show that a random $d$-linear ... more >>>

TR18-068 | 8th April 2018
Mrinal Kumar

On top fan-in vs formal degree for depth-3 arithmetic circuits

Revisions: 1

We show that over the field of complex numbers, every homogeneous polynomial of degree $d$ can be approximated (in the border complexity sense) by a depth-$3$ arithmetic circuit of top fan-in at most $d+1$. This is quite surprising since there exist homogeneous polynomials $P$ on $n$ variables of degree $2$, ... more >>>

TR18-052 | 16th March 2018
Chi-Ning Chou, Mrinal Kumar, Noam Solomon

Some Closure Results for Polynomial Factorization and Applications

In a sequence of fundamental results in the 80's, Kaltofen showed that factors of multivariate polynomials with small arithmetic circuits have small arithmetic circuits. In other words, the complexity class $VP$ is closed under taking factors. A natural question in this context is to understand if other natural classes of ... more >>>

TR17-124 | 6th August 2017
Mrinal Kumar, Ben Lee Volk

An Almost Quadratic Lower Bound for Syntactically Multilinear Arithmetic Circuits

Revisions: 2

We prove a lower bound of $\Omega(n^2/\log^2 n)$ on the size of any syntactically multilinear arithmetic circuit computing some explicit multilinear polynomial $f(x_1, \ldots, x_n)$. Our approach expands and improves upon a result of Raz, Shpilka and Yehudayoff [RSY08], who proved a lower bound of $\Omega(n^{4/3}/\log^2 n)$ for the same ... more >>>

TR17-028 | 17th February 2017
Mrinal Kumar

A quadratic lower bound for homogeneous algebraic branching programs

Revisions: 1

An algebraic branching program (ABP) is a directed acyclic graph, with a start vertex $s$, and end vertex $t$ and each edge having a weight which is an affine form in $\F[x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n]$. An ABP computes a polynomial in a natural way, as the sum of weights of ... more >>>

TR17-009 | 19th January 2017
Joshua Grochow, Mrinal Kumar, Michael Saks, Shubhangi Saraf

Towards an algebraic natural proofs barrier via polynomial identity testing

We observe that a certain kind of algebraic proof - which covers essentially all known algebraic circuit lower bounds to date - cannot be used to prove lower bounds against VP if and only if what we call succinct hitting sets exist for VP. This is analogous to the Razborov-Rudich ... more >>>

TR16-137 | 3rd September 2016
Mrinal Kumar, Ramprasad Saptharishi

Finer separations between shallow arithmetic circuits

In this paper, we show that there is a family of polynomials $\{P_n\}$, where $P_n$ is a polynomial in $n$ variables of degree at most $d = O(\log^2 n)$, such that

1. $P_n$ can be computed by linear sized homogeneous depth-$5$ circuits.

2. $P_n$ can be computed by ... more >>>

TR16-096 | 14th June 2016
Suryajith Chillara, Mrinal Kumar, Ramprasad Saptharishi, V Vinay

The Chasm at Depth Four, and Tensor Rank : Old results, new insights

Revisions: 2

Agrawal and Vinay [AV08] showed how any polynomial size arithmetic circuit can be thought of as a depth four arithmetic circuit of subexponential size. The resulting circuit size in this simulation was more carefully analyzed by Korian [Koiran] and subsequently by Tavenas [Tav13]. We provide a simple proof of this ... more >>>

TR16-045 | 22nd March 2016
Michael Forbes, Mrinal Kumar, Ramprasad Saptharishi

Functional lower bounds for arithmetic circuits and connections to boolean circuit complexity

We say that a circuit $C$ over a field $F$ functionally computes an $n$-variate polynomial $P \in F[x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n]$ if for every $x \in \{0,1\}^n$ we have that $C(x) = P(x)$. This is in contrast to {syntactically} computing $P$, when $C \equiv P$ as formal polynomials. In this ... more >>>

TR15-194 | 30th November 2015
Mrinal Kumar, Shubhangi Saraf

Arithmetic circuits with locally low algebraic rank

Revisions: 1

In recent years there has been a flurry of activity proving lower bounds for
homogeneous depth-4 arithmetic circuits [GKKS13, FLMS14, KLSS14, KS14c], which has brought us very close to statements that are known to imply VP $\neq$ VNP. It is a big question to go beyond homogeneity, and in ... more >>>

TR15-109 | 1st July 2015
Mrinal Kumar, Ramprasad Saptharishi

An exponential lower bound for homogeneous depth-5 circuits over finite fields

In this paper, we show exponential lower bounds for the class of homogeneous depth-$5$ circuits over all small finite fields. More formally, we show that there is an explicit family $\{P_d : d \in N\}$ of polynomials in $VNP$, where $P_d$ is of degree $d$ in $n = d^{O(1)}$ variables, ... more >>>

TR15-071 | 23rd April 2015
Mrinal Kumar, Shubhangi Saraf

Sums of products of polynomials in few variables : lower bounds and polynomial identity testing

We study the complexity of representing polynomials as a sum of products of polynomials in few variables. More precisely, we study representations of the form $$P = \sum_{i = 1}^T \prod_{j = 1}^d Q_{ij}$$
such that each $Q_{ij}$ is an arbitrary polynomial that depends on at most $s$ variables.

... more >>>

TR15-047 | 2nd April 2015
Swastik Kopparty, Mrinal Kumar, Michael Saks

Efficient indexing of necklaces and irreducible polynomials over finite fields

We study the problem of indexing irreducible polynomials over finite fields, and give the first efficient algorithm for this problem. Specifically, we show the existence of poly(n, log q)-size circuits that compute a bijection between {1, ... , |S|} and the set S of all irreducible, monic, univariate polynomials of ... more >>>

TR14-045 | 7th April 2014
Mrinal Kumar, Shubhangi Saraf

On the power of homogeneous depth 4 arithmetic circuits

Revisions: 2

We prove exponential lower bounds on the size of homogeneous depth 4 arithmetic circuits computing an explicit polynomial in $VP$. Our results hold for the {\it Iterated Matrix Multiplication} polynomial - in particular we show that any homogeneous depth 4 circuit computing the $(1,1)$ entry in the product of $n$ ... more >>>

TR13-181 | 20th December 2013
Mrinal Kumar, Shubhangi Saraf

Superpolynomial lower bounds for general homogeneous depth 4 arithmetic circuits

In this paper, we prove superpolynomial lower bounds for the class of homogeneous depth 4 arithmetic circuits. We give an explicit polynomial in VNP of degree $n$ in $n^2$ variables such that any homogeneous depth 4 arithmetic circuit computing it must have size $n^{\Omega(\log \log n)}$.

Our results extend ... more >>>

TR13-153 | 8th November 2013
Mrinal Kumar, Shubhangi Saraf

The Limits of Depth Reduction for Arithmetic Formulas: It's all about the top fan-in

In recent years, a very exciting and promising method for proving lower bounds for arithmetic circuits has been proposed. This method combines the method of {\it depth reduction} developed in the works of Agrawal-Vinay [AV08], Koiran [Koi12] and Tavenas [Tav13], and the use of the shifted partial derivative complexity measure ... more >>>

TR13-068 | 3rd May 2013
Mrinal Kumar, Shubhangi Saraf

Lower Bounds for Depth 4 Homogenous Circuits with Bounded Top Fanin

We study the class of homogenous $\Sigma\Pi\Sigma\Pi(r)$ circuits, which are depth 4 homogenous circuits with top fanin bounded by $r$. We show that any homogenous $\Sigma\Pi\Sigma\Pi(r)$ circuit computing the permanent of an $n\times n$ matrix must have size at least $\exp\left(n^{\Omega(1/r)}\right)$.

In a recent result, Gupta, Kamath, Kayal and ... more >>>

TR13-028 | 14th February 2013
Mrinal Kumar, Gaurav Maheshwari, Jayalal Sarma

Arithmetic Circuit Lower Bounds via MaxRank

We introduce the polynomial coefficient matrix and identify maximum rank of this matrix under variable substitution as a complexity measure for multivariate polynomials. We use our techniques to prove
super-polynomial lower bounds against several classes of non-multilinear arithmetic circuits. In particular, we obtain the following results :

$\bullet$ As ... more >>>

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