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Revision #2 to TR20-181 | 5th August 2022 17:15

Monotone Circuit Lower Bounds from Robust Sunflowers


Revision #2
Authors: Bruno Pasqualotto Cavalar, Mrinal Kumar, Benjamin Rossman
Accepted on: 5th August 2022 17:15
Downloads: 298


Robust sunflowers are a generalization of combinatorial sunflowers that have applications in monotone circuit complexity, DNF sparsification, randomness extractors, and recent advances on the Erd\H{o}s-Rado sunflower conjecture. The recent breakthrough of Alweiss, Lovett, Wu and Zhang gives an improved bound on the maximum size of a $w$-set system that excludes a robust sunflower. In this paper, we use this result to obtain an $\exp(n^{1/2-o(1)})$ lower bound on the monotone circuit size of an explicit $n$-variate monotone function, improving the previous best known $\exp(n^{1/3-o(1)})$ due to Andreev and Harnik and Raz. We also show an $\exp(\Omega(n))$ lower bound on the monotone arithmetic circuit size of a related polynomial. Finally, we introduce a notion of robust clique-sunflowers and use this to prove an $n^{\Omega(k)}$ lower bound on the monotone circuit size of the CLIQUE function for all $k \le n^{1/3-o(1)}$, strengthening the bound of Alon and Boppana.

Changes to previous version:

Journal version.

Revision #1 to TR20-181 | 7th December 2020 19:29

Monotone Circuit Lower Bounds from Robust Sunflowers

Revision #1
Authors: Bruno Pasqualotto Cavalar, Mrinal Kumar, Benjamin Rossman
Accepted on: 7th December 2020 19:29
Downloads: 687


Robust sunflowers are a generalization of combinatorial sunflowers that have applications in monotone circuit complexity, DNF sparsification, randomness extractors, and recent advances on the Erd\H{o}s-Rado sunflower conjecture. The recent breakthrough of Alweiss, Lovett, Wu and Zhang gives an improved bound on the maximum size of a $w$-set system that excludes a robust sunflower. In this paper, we use this result to obtain an $\exp(n^{1/2-o(1)})$ lower bound on the monotone circuit size of an explicit $n$-variate monotone function, improving the previous best known $\exp(n^{1/3-o(1)})$ due to Andreev and Harnik and Raz. We also show an $\exp(\Omega(n))$ lower bound on the monotone arithmetic circuit size of a related polynomial. Finally, we introduce a notion of robust clique-sunflowers and use this to prove an $n^{\Omega(k)}$ lower bound on the monotone circuit size of the CLIQUE function for all $k \le n^{1/3-o(1)}$, strengthening the bound of Alon and Boppana.

Changes to previous version:

Added references to previous work on arithmetic circuit complexity.


TR20-181 | 4th December 2020 20:51

Monotone Circuit Lower Bounds from Robust Sunflowers


Robust sunflowers are a generalization of combinatorial sunflowers that have applications in monotone circuit complexity, DNF sparsification, randomness extractors, and recent advances on the Erd\H{o}s-Rado sunflower conjecture. The recent breakthrough of Alweiss, Lovett, Wu and Zhang gives an improved bound on the maximum size of a $w$-set system that excludes a robust sunflower. In this paper, we use this result to obtain an $\exp(n^{1/2-o(1)})$ lower bound on the monotone circuit size of an explicit $n$-variate monotone function, improving the previous best known $\exp(n^{1/3-o(1)})$ due to Andreev and Harnik and Raz. We also show an $\exp(\Omega(n))$ lower bound on the monotone arithmetic circuit size of a related polynomial. Finally, we introduce a notion of robust clique-sunflowers and use this to prove an $n^{\Omega(k)}$ lower bound on the monotone circuit size of the CLIQUE function for all $k \le n^{1/3-o(1)}$, strengthening the bound of Alon and Boppana.

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint