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Revision #1 to TR07-009 | 15th August 2007 00:00

Nearly-Exponential Size Lower Bounds for Symbolic Quantifier Elimination Algorithms and OBDD-Based Proofs of Unsatisfiability


Revision #1
Authors: Nathan Segerlind
Accepted on: 15th August 2007 00:00
Downloads: 3677


We demonstrate a family of propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form so that a formula of size $N$ requires size $2^{Omega(sqrt[7]{N/logN})}$ to refute using the tree-like OBDD refutation system of Atserias, Kolaitis and Vardi with respect to all variable orderings. All known symbolic quantifier elimination algorithms for satisfiability generate tree-like proofs when run on unsatisfiable CNFs, so this lower bound applies to the run-times of these algorithms. Furthermore, the lower bound generalizes earlier results on OBDD-based proofs of unsatisfiability in that it applies for all variable orderings, it applies when the clauses are processed according to an arbitrary schedule, and it applies when variables are eliminated via quantification.

This version differs from the earlier version in that some of the proofs have been cleaned up and made shorter.


TR07-009 | 8th January 2007 00:00

Nearly-Exponential Size Lower Bounds for Symbolic Quantifier Elimination Algorithms and OBDD-Based Proofs of Unsatisfiability

Authors: Nathan Segerlind
Publication: 19th January 2007 14:56
Downloads: 3138


We demonstrate a family of propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form
so that a formula of size $N$ requires size $2^{\Omega(\sqrt[7]{N/logN})}$
to refute using the tree-like OBDD refutation system of
Atserias, Kolaitis and Vardi
with respect to all variable orderings.
All known symbolic quantifier elimination algorithms for satisfiability
generate tree-like proofs when run on unsatisfiable CNFs, so this lower bound
applies to the run-times of these algorithms.
Furthermore, the lower bound generalizes earlier
results on OBDD-based
proofs of unsatisfiability in that it applies for all variable
orderings, it applies when the clauses are processed according to
an arbitrary schedule, and it applies when variables are eliminated via


Comment #1 to TR07-009 | 15th February 2007 06:56

Brief summary of differences between TR07-007 and TR07-009 Comment on: TR07-009

Comment #1
Authors: Nathan Segerlind
Accepted on: 15th February 2007 06:56
Downloads: 3307


A brief summary the differences between the main results in TR07-007 and TR07-009

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