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Revision #3 to TR12-016 | 5th January 2013 18:03

Explicit Optimal hardness via Gaussian stability results


Revision #3
Authors: Anindya De, Elchanan Mossel
Accepted on: 5th January 2013 18:03
Downloads: 2414


The results of Raghavendra (2008) show that assuming Khot's Unique Games Conjecture (2002), for every constraint satisfaction problem there exists a generic semi-definite program that achieves the optimal approximation factor. This result is existential as it does not provide an explicit optimal rounding procedure nor does it allow to calculate exactly the Unique Games hardness of the problem.

Obtaining an explicit optimal approximation scheme and the corresponding approximation factor is a difficult challenge for each specific approximation problem. An approach for determining the exact approximation factor and the corresponding optimal rounding was established in the analysis of MAX-CUT (KKMO 2004) and the use of the Invariance Principle (MOO 2005).
However, this approach crucially relies on results explicitly proving optimal partitions in Gaussian space. Until recently, Borell's result (Borell 1985) was the only non-trivial Gaussian partition
result known.

In this paper we derive the first explicit optimal approximation algorithm and the corresponding approximation factor using a new result on Gaussian partitions due to Isaksson and Mossel (2012). This Gaussian result allows us to determine exactly the Unique Games Hardness of MAX-3-EQUAL. In particular, our results show that Zwick algorithm for this problem achieves the optimal approximation factor and prove that the approximation achieved by the algorithm is $\approx 0.796$ as conjectured by Zwick.

We further use the previously known optimal Gaussian partitions results to obtain a new Unique Games Hardness factor for MAX-k-CSP :
Using the well known fact that pairwise independent Gaussians are independent, we show that the the UGC hardness of Max-k-CSP is $\frac{\lceil (k+1)/2 \rceil}{2^{k-1}}$, improving on results of Austrin and Mossel (2009).

Revision #2 to TR12-016 | 24th July 2012 18:07

Explicit Optimal hardness via Gaussian stability results

Revision #2
Authors: Anindya De, Elchanan Mossel
Accepted on: 24th July 2012 18:07
Downloads: 2388


The results of Raghavendra (2008) show that assuming Khot's Unique Games Conjecture (2002), for every constraint satisfaction problem there exists a generic semi-definite program that achieves the optimal approximation factor. This result is existential as it does not provide an explicit optimal rounding procedure nor does it allow to calculate exactly the Unique Games hardness of the problem.

Obtaining an explicit optimal approximation scheme and the corresponding approximation factor is a difficult challenge for each specific approximation problem. An approach for determining the exact approximation factor and the corresponding optimal rounding was established in the analysis of MAX-CUT (KKMO 2004) and the use of the Invariance Principle (MOO 2005).
However, this approach crucially relies on results explicitly proving optimal partitions in Gaussian space. Until recently, Borell's result (Borell 1985) was the only non-trivial Gaussian partition
result known.

In this paper we derive the first explicit optimal approximation algorithm and the corresponding approximation factor using a new result on Gaussian partitions due to Isaksson and Mossel (2012). This Gaussian result allows us to determine exactly the Unique Games Hardness of MAX-3-EQUAL. In particular, our results show that Zwick algorithm for this problem achieves the optimal approximation factor and prove that the approximation achieved by the algorithm is $\approx 0.796$ as conjectured by Zwick.

We further use the previously known optimal Gaussian partitions results to obtain a new Unique Games Hardness factor for MAX-k-CSP :
Using the well known fact that pairwise independent Gaussians are independent, we show that the the UGC hardness of Max-k-CSP is $\frac{\lceil (k+1)/2 \rceil}{2^{k-1}}$, improving on results of Austrin and Mossel (2009).

Revision #1 to TR12-016 | 4th April 2012 21:03

Explicit Optimal hardness via Gaussian stability results

Revision #1
Authors: Anindya De, Elchanan Mossel
Accepted on: 4th April 2012 21:03
Downloads: 2948


The results of Raghavendra (2008) show that assuming Khot's Unique Games Conjecture (2002), for every constraint satisfaction problem there exists a generic semi-definite program that achieves the optimal approximation factor. This result is existential as it does not provide an explicit optimal rounding procedure nor does it allow to calculate exactly the Unique Games hardness of the problem.

Obtaining an explicit optimal approximation scheme and the corresponding approximation factor is a difficult challenge for each specific approximation problem. An approach for determining the exact approximation factor and the corresponding optimal rounding was established in the analysis of MAX-CUT (KKMO 2004) and the use of the Invariance Principle (MOO 2005).
However, this approach crucially relies on results explicitly proving optimal partitions in Gaussian space. Until recently, Borell's result (Borell 1985) was the only non-trivial Gaussian partition
result known.

In this paper we derive the first explicit optimal approximation algorithm and the corresponding approximation factor using a new result on Gaussian partitions due to Isaksson and Mossel (2012). This Gaussian result allows us to determine exactly the Unique Games Hardness of MAX-3-EQUAL. In particular, our results show that Zwick algorithm for this problem achieves the optimal approximation factor and prove that the approximation achieved by the algorithm is $\approx 0.796$ as conjectured by Zwick.

We further use the previously known optimal Gaussian partitions results to obtain a new Unique Games Hardness factor for MAX-k-CSP :
Using the well known fact that jointly normal pairwise independent random variables are fully independent, we show that the the UGC hardness of Max-k-CSP is $\frac{\lceil (k+1)/2 \rceil}{2^{k-1}}$, improving on results of Austrin and Mossel (2009).


TR12-016 | 24th February 2012 03:11

Explicit Optimal hardness via Gaussian stability results

Authors: Anindya De, Elchanan Mossel
Publication: 24th February 2012 05:37
Downloads: 3528


The results of Raghavendra (2008) show that assuming Khot's Unique Games Conjecture (2002), for every constraint satisfaction problem there exists a generic semi-definite program that achieves the optimal approximation factor. This result is existential as it does not provide an explicit optimal rounding procedure nor does it allow to calculate exactly the Unique Games hardness of the problem.

Obtaining an explicit optimal approximation scheme and the corresponding approximation factor is a difficult challenge for each specific approximation problem. An approach for determining the exact approximation factor and the corresponding optimal rounding was established in the analysis of MAX-CUT (KKMO 2004) and the use of the Invariance Principle (MOO 2005).
However, this approach crucially relies on results explicitly proving optimal partitions in Gaussian space. Until recently, Borell's result (Borell 1985) was the only non-trivial Gaussian partition
result known.

In this paper we derive the first explicit optimal approximation algorithm and the corresponding approximation factor using a new result on Gaussian partitions due to Isaksson and Mossel (2012). This Gaussian result allows us to determine exactly the Unique Games Hardness of MAX-3-EQUAL. In particular, our results show that Zwick algorithm for this problem achieves the optimal approximation factor and prove that the approximation achieved by the algorithm is $\approx 0.796$ as conjectured by Zwick.

We further use the previously known optimal Gaussian partitions results to obtain a new Unique Games Hardness factor for MAX-k-CSP :
Using the well known fact that pairwise independent Gaussians are independent, we show that the the UGC hardness of Max-k-CSP is $\frac{\lceil (k+1)/2 \rceil}{2^{k-1}}$, improving on results of Austrin and Mossel (2009).

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