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TR16-026 | 20th February 2016 05:11

Noisy population recovery in polynomial time


Authors: Anindya De, Michael Saks, Sijian Tang
Publication: 1st March 2016 15:38
Downloads: 1255


In the noisy population recovery problem of Dvir et al., the goal is to learn
an unknown distribution f on binary strings of length n from noisy samples. For some parameter \mu \in [0,1],
a noisy sample is generated by flipping each coordinate of a sample from f independently with
probability (1-\mu)/2.
We assume an upper bound k on the size of the support of the distribution, and the
goal is to estimate the probability of any string to within some given error \varepsilon. It is known
that the algorithmic complexity and sample complexity of this problem are polynomially related to each other.

We show that for \mu > 0, the sample complexity (and hence the algorithmic complexity)
is bounded by a polynomial in k, n and 1/\varepsilon improving upon the previous best result of \mathsf{poly}(k^{\log\log k},n,1/\varepsilon) due to Lovett and Zhang.

Our proof combines ideas from Lovett and Zhang with a noise attenuated version of Mobius inversion. In turn, the latter crucially uses the construction of robust local inverse due to Moitra and Saks.

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint