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TR16-115 | 30th July 2016 15:51

Improved Non-Malleable Extractors, Non-Malleable Codes and Independent Source Extractors


Authors: Xin Li
Publication: 31st July 2016 10:17
Downloads: 1755


In this paper we give improved constructions of several central objects in the literature of randomness extraction and tamper-resilient cryptography. Our main results are:

(1) An explicit seeded non-malleable extractor with error $\epsilon$ and seed length $d=O(\log n)+O(\log(1/\epsilon)\log \log (1/\epsilon))$, that supports min-entropy $k=\Omega(d)$ and outputs $\Omega(k)$ bits. Combined with the protocol in \cite{DW09}, this gives a two round privacy amplification protocol with optimal entropy loss in the presence of an active adversary, for all security parameters up to $\Omega(k/\log k)$, where $k$ is the min-entropy of the shared weak random source. Previously, the best known seeded non-malleable extractors require seed length and min-entropy $O(\log n)+\log(1/\epsilon)2^{O{\sqrt{\log \log (1/\epsilon)}}}$ \cite{CL16, Coh16}, and only give two round privacy amplification protocols with optimal entropy loss for security parameter up to $k/2^{O(\sqrt{\log k})}$.

(2) An explicit non-malleable two-source extractor for min-entropy $k \geq (1-\gamma)n$, some constant $\gamma>0$, that outputs $\Omega(k)$ bits with error $2^{-\Omega(n/\log n)}$. We further show that we can efficiently uniformly sample from the pre-image of any output of the extractor. Combined with the connection in \cite{CG14b} this gives a non-malleable code in the two-split-state model with relative rate $\Omega(1/\log n)$. This exponentially improves previous constructions, all of which only achieve rate $n^{-\Omega(1)}$.\footnote{The work of Aggarwal et. al \cite{ADKO15} had a construction which ``achieves" constant rate, but recently the author found an error in their proof.}

(3) Combined with the techniques in \cite{BDT16}, our non-malleable extractors give a two-source extractor for min-entropy $O(\log n \log \log n)$, which also implies a $K$-Ramsey graph on $N$ vertices with $K=(\log N)^{O(\log \log \log N)}$. Previously the best known two-source extractor in \cite{BDT16} requires min-entropy $\log n 2^{O(\sqrt{\log n})}$, which gives a Ramsey graph with $K=(\log N)^{2^{O(\sqrt{\log \log \log N})}}$. We further show a way to reduce the problem of constructing seeded $s$-source non-malleable extractors to the problem of constructing non-malleable $(s+1)$-source extractors. Using the non-malleable $10$-source extractor with optimal error in \cite{CZ14}, we obtain a seeded non-malleable $9$-source extractor with optimal seed length, which in turn gives a $10$-source extractor for min-entropy $O(\log n)$. Previously the best known extractor for such min-entropy requires $O(\log \log n)$ sources \cite{CohL16}.

Independent of our work, Cohen \cite{Cohen16} obtained similar results to (1) and the two-source extractor, except the dependence on $\epsilon$ is $\log(1/\epsilon) (\log \log (1/\epsilon))^{O(1)}$ and the two-source extractor requires min-entropy $\log n (\log \log n)^{O(1)}$.

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