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Revision #2 to TR24-198 | 8th February 2025 17:23

Randomized Black-Box PIT for Small Depth +-Regular Non-commutative Circuits


Revision #2
Authors: G V Sumukha Bharadwaj, Raja S
Accepted on: 8th February 2025 17:23
Downloads: 30


In this paper, we address the black-box polynomial identity testing (PIT) problem for non-commutative polynomials computed by $+$-regular circuits, a class of homogeneous circuits introduced by Arvind, Joglekar, Mukhopadhyay, and Raja (STOC 2017, Theory of Computing 2019). These circuits can compute polynomials with a number of monomials that are doubly exponential in the circuit size. They gave an efficient randomized PIT algorithm for +-regular circuits of depth 3 and posed the problem of developing an efficient black-box PIT for higher depths as an open problem.

We present a randomized black-box polynomial-time algorithm for +-regular circuits of any constant depth. Specifically, our algorithm runs in
$s^{O(d^2)}$ time, where $s$ and $d$ represent the size and the depth of the $+$-regular circuit, respectively. Our approach combines several key techniques in a novel way. We employ a nondeterministic substitution automaton that transforms the polynomial into a structured form and utilizes polynomial sparsification along with commutative transformations to maintain non-zeroness. Additionally, we introduce matrix composition, coefficient modification via the automaton, and multi-entry outputs —methods that have not previously been applied in the context of black-box PIT. Together, these techniques enable us to effectively handle exponential degrees and doubly exponential sparsity in non-commutative settings, enabling polynomial identity testing for higher-depth circuits. Our work resolves an open problem from \cite{AJMR19}.

In particular, we show that if $f$ is a non-zero non-commutative polynomial in $n$ variables over the field $\F$, computed by a depth-$d$ $+$-regular circuit of size $s$, then $f$ cannot be a polynomial identity for the matrix algebra $\mathbb{M}_{N}(\mathbb{F})$, where $N= s^{O(d^2)}$ and the size of the field $\F$ depending on the degree of $f$. Interestingly, the size of the matrices does not depend on the degree of $f$. Our result can be interpreted as an Amitsur-Levitzki-type result \cite{AL} for polynomials computed by small-depth $+$-regular circuits.

Changes to previous version:

More details have been added to PIT for constant-depth +-regular circuits, and some typos have been fixed.

Revision #1 to TR24-198 | 2nd December 2024 18:11

Randomized Black-Box PIT for Small Depth +-Regular Non-commutative Circuits

Revision #1
Authors: G V Sumukha Bharadwaj, Raja S
Accepted on: 2nd December 2024 18:12
Downloads: 121


In this paper, we address the black-box polynomial identity testing (PIT) problem for non-commutative polynomials computed by $+$-regular circuits, a class of homogeneous circuits introduced by Arvind, Joglekar, Mukhopadhyay, and Raja (STOC 2017, Theory of Computing 2019). These circuits can compute polynomials with a number of monomials that are doubly exponential in the circuit size. They gave an efficient randomized PIT algorithm for +-regular circuits of depth 3 and posed the problem of developing an efficient black-box PIT for higher depths as an open problem.

We present a randomized black-box polynomial-time algorithm for +-regular circuits of any constant depth. Specifically, our algorithm runs in $s^{O(d^2)}$ time, where $s$ and $d$ represent the size and the depth of the $+$-regular circuit, respectively. Our approach combines several key techniques in a novel way. We employ a nondeterministic substitution automaton that transforms the polynomial into a structured form and utilizes polynomial sparsification along with commutative transformations to maintain non-zeroness. Additionally, we introduce matrix composition, coefficient modification via the automaton, and multi-entry outputs—methods that have not previously been applied in the context of black-box PIT. Together, these techniques enable us to effectively handle exponential degrees and doubly exponential sparsity in non-commutative settings, enabling polynomial identity testing for higher-depth circuits. Our work resolves an open problem from \cite{AJMR19}.

In particular, we show that if $f$ is a non-zero non-commutative polynomial in $n$ variables over the field $F$, computed by a depth-$d$ $+$-regular circuit of size $s$, then $f$ cannot be a polynomial identity for the matrix algebra $\mathbb{M}_{N}(\mathbb{F})$, where $N= s^{O(d^2)}$ and the size of the field $F$ depending on the degree of $f$. Our result can be interpreted as an Amitsur-Levitzki-type result \cite{AL} for polynomials computed by small-depth $+$-regular circuits.


TR24-198 | 10th November 2024 20:05

Randomized Black-Box PIT for Small Depth +-Regular Non-commutative Circuits


In this paper, we address the black-box polynomial identity testing (PIT) problem for non-commutative polynomials computed by $+$-regular circuits, a class of homogeneous circuits introduced by Arvind, Joglekar, Mukhopadhyay, and Raja (STOC 2017, Theory of Computing 2019). These circuits can compute polynomials with a number of monomials that are doubly exponential in the circuit size. They gave an efficient randomized PIT algorithm for +-regular circuits of depth 3 and posed the problem of developing an efficient black-box PIT for higher depths as an open problem.

We present a randomized black-box polynomial-time algorithm for +-regular circuits of any constant depth. Specifically, our algorithm runs in $s^{O(d^2)}$ time, where $s$ and $d$ represent the size and the depth of the $+$-regular circuit, respectively. Our approach combines several key techniques in a novel way. We employ a nondeterministic substitution automaton that transforms the polynomial into a structured form and utilizes polynomial sparsification along with commutative transformations to maintain non-zeroness. Additionally, we introduce matrix composition, coefficient modification via the automaton, and multi-entry outputs—methods that have not previously been applied in the context of black-box PIT. Together, these techniques enable us to effectively handle exponential degrees and doubly exponential sparsity in non-commutative settings, enabling polynomial identity testing for higher-depth circuits. Our work resolves an open problem from \cite{AJMR19}.

In particular, we show that if $f$ is a non-zero non-commutative polynomial in $n$ variables over the field $F$, computed by a depth-$d$ $+$-regular circuit of size $s$, then $f$ cannot be a polynomial identity for the matrix algebra $\mathbb{M}_{N}(\mathbb{F})$, where $N= s^{O(d^2)}$ and the size of the field $F$ depending on the degree of $f$. Our result can be interpreted as an Amitsur-Levitzki-type result \cite{AL} for polynomials computed by small-depth $+$-regular circuits.

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint