We improve the best known upper bounds on the density of corner-free sets over quasirandom groups from inverse poly-logarithmic to quasi-polynomial. We make similarly substantial improvements to the best known lower bounds on the communication complexity of a large class of permutation functions in the 3-player Number-on-Forehead model. Underpinning both ... more >>>
The log-rank conjecture, a longstanding problem in communication complexity, has persistently eluded resolution for decades. Consequently, some recent efforts have focused on potential approaches for establishing the conjecture in the special case of XOR functions, where the communication matrix is lifted from a boolean function, and the rank of ... more >>>
We revisit the fundamental Boolean Matrix Multiplication (BMM) problem. With the invention of algebraic fast matrix multiplication over 50 years ago, it also became known that BMM can be solved in truly subcubic $O(n^\omega)$ time, where $\omega<3$; much work has gone into bringing $\omega$ closer to $2$. Since then, a ... more >>>
The prototypical construction of error correcting codes is based on linear codes over finite fields. In this work, we make first steps in the study of codes defined over integers. We focus on Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) codes, and show that MDS codes with linear rate and distance can be ... more >>>
A major challenge in complexity theory is to explicitly construct functions that have small correlation with low-degree polynomials over $F_2$. We introduce a new technique to prove such correlation bounds with $F_2$ polynomials. Using this technique, we bound the correlation of an XOR of Majorities with constant degree polynomials. In ... more >>>
A sunflower with $r$ petals is a collection of $r$ sets so that the
intersection of each pair is equal to the intersection of all. Erd\H{o}s and Rado proved the sunflower lemma: for any fixed $r$, any family of sets of size $w$, with at least about $w^w$ sets, must ...
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Sign-rank and discrepancy are two central notions in communication complexity. The seminal work of Babai, Frankl, and Simon from 1986 initiated an active line of research that investigates the gap between these two notions.
In this article, we establish the strongest possible separation by constructing a Boolean matrix whose sign-rank ...
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The sunflower conjecture is one of the most well-known open problems in combinatorics. It has several applications in theoretical computer science, one of which is DNF compression, due to Gopalan, Meka and Reingold [Computational Complexity 2013]. In this paper, we show that improved bounds for DNF compression imply improved bounds ... more >>>
The canonical problem that gives an exponential separation between deterministic and randomized communication complexity in the classical two-party communication model is `Equality'. In this work, we show that even allowing access to an `Equality' oracle, deterministic protocols remain exponentially weaker than randomized ones. More precisely, we exhibit a total function ... more >>>
A recent work of Chattopadhyay et al. (CCC 2018) introduced a new framework for the design of pseudorandom generators for Boolean functions. It works under the assumption that the Fourier tails of the Boolean functions are uniformly bounded for all levels by an exponential function. In this work, we design ... more >>>
The Bogolyubov-Ruzsa lemma, in particular the quantitative bounds obtained by Sanders, plays a central role
in obtaining effective bounds for the inverse $U^3$ theorem for the Gowers norms. Recently, Gowers and Mili\'cevi\'c
applied a bilinear Bogolyubov-Ruzsa lemma as part of a proof of the inverse $U^4$ theorem
with effective bounds.
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We show that proving mildly super-linear lower bounds on non-commutative arithmetic circuits implies exponential lower bounds on non-commutative circuits. That is, non-commutative circuit complexity is a threshold phenomenon: an apparently weak lower bound actually suffices to show the strongest lower bounds we could desire.
This is part of a recent ... more >>>
We propose an algebraic approach to proving circuit lower bounds for ACC0 by defining and studying the notion of torus polynomials. We show how currently known polynomial-based approximation results for AC0 and ACC0 can be reformulated in this framework, implying that ACC0 can be approximated by low-degree torus polynomials. Furthermore, ... more >>>