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Revision #2 to TR13-098 | 27th November 2022 10:41

Locally Computable UOWHF with Linear Shrinkage


Revision #2
Authors: Benny Applebaum, Yoni Moses
Accepted on: 27th November 2022 10:41
Downloads: 226


This is an errata for our Journal of Cryptology paper, ``Locally Computable UOWHF with Linear Shrinkage''~\cite{AppM17}. There is a gap in the proof of Theorem 4.1 that asserts that the collection $F_{P,n,m}$ is $\delta$-secure $\beta$-random target-collision resistant assuming the one-wayness and the pseudorandomness of the collection for related parameters. We currently do not know whether Theorem 4.1 (as stated in Section 4) holds. We are grateful to Colin Sandon for pointing out the gap.

We note that Theorem 5.1, which transforms any $\delta$-secure $\beta$-random target collision resistant collection to a target collision resistant collection while preserving constant locality and linear shrinkage, remains intact. Thus, one can construct a locally computable UOWHF with linear shrinkage based on the hypothesis that random local functions are $\delta$-secure $\beta$-random target-collision resistant. We also mention that locally-computable functions with linear-shrinkage that achieve a stronger form of \emph{collision-resistance} were constructed by Applebaum, Haramaty, Ishai, Kushilevitz and Vaikuntanathan (ITCS 2017) based on incomparable assumptions.

Revision #1 to TR13-098 | 27th November 2022 10:30

Locally Computable UOWHF with Linear Shrinkage

Revision #1
Authors: Benny Applebaum, Yoni Moses
Accepted on: 27th November 2022 10:30
Downloads: 215


We study the problem of constructing locally computable Universal One-Way Hash Functions (UOWHFs) $H:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^m$. A construction with constant \emph{output locality}, where every bit of the output depends only on a constant number of bits of the input, was established by [Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz, SICOMP 2006]. However, this construction suffers from two limitations: (1) It can only achieve a sub-linear shrinkage of $n-m=n^{1-\epsilon}$; and (2) It has a super-constant \emph{input locality}, i.e., some inputs influence a large super-constant number of outputs. This leaves open the question of realizing UOWHFs with constant output locality and linear shrinkage of $n-m=\epsilon n$, or UOWHFs with constant input locality and minimal shrinkage of $n-m=1$.

We settle both questions simultaneously by providing the first construction of UOWHFs with linear shrinkage, constant input locality, and constant output locality. Our construction is based on the one-wayness of ``random'' local functions -- a variant of an assumption made by Goldreich (ECCC 2000). Using a transformation of [Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky and Sahai, STOC 2008], our UOWHFs give rise to a digital signature scheme with a minimal \emph{additive} complexity overhead: signing $n$-bit messages with security parameter $\kappa$ takes only $O(n+\kappa)$ time instead of $O(n\kappa)$ as in typical constructions. Previously, such signatures were only known to exist under an \emph{exponential} hardness assumption. As an additional contribution, we obtain new locally-computable hardness amplification procedures for UOWHFs that preserve linear shrinkage.


TR13-098 | 28th June 2013 09:45

Locally Computable UOWHF with Linear Shrinkage

Authors: Benny Applebaum, Yoni Moses
Publication: 28th June 2013 11:10
Downloads: 3669


We study the problem of constructing locally computable Universal One-Way Hash Functions (UOWHFs) $H:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^m$. A construction with constant \emph{output locality}, where every bit of the output depends only on a constant number of bits of the input, was established by [Applebaum, Ishai, and Kushilevitz, SICOMP 2006]. However, this construction suffers from two limitations: (1) It can only achieve a sub-linear shrinkage of $n-m=n^{1-\epsilon}$; and (2) It has a super-constant \emph{input locality}, i.e., some inputs influence a large super-constant number of outputs. This leaves open the question of realizing UOWHFs with constant output locality and linear shrinkage of $n-m=\epsilon n$, or UOWHFs with constant input locality and minimal shrinkage of $n-m=1$.

We settle both questions simultaneously by providing the first construction of UOWHFs with linear shrinkage, constant input locality, and constant output locality. Our construction is based on the one-wayness of ``random'' local functions -- a variant of an assumption made by Goldreich (ECCC 2000). Using a transformation of [Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky and Sahai, STOC 2008], our UOWHFs give rise to a digital signature scheme with a minimal \emph{additive} complexity overhead: signing $n$-bit messages with security parameter $\kappa$ takes only $O(n+\kappa)$ time instead of $O(n\kappa)$ as in typical constructions. Previously, such signatures were only known to exist under an \emph{exponential} hardness assumption. As an additional contribution, we obtain new locally-computable hardness amplification procedures for UOWHFs that preserve linear shrinkage.

ISSN 1433-8092 | Imprint